Cities Society

The cities can be considered an ecosystem since that they possess entered, exchanges and exits of substance and energy, as well as the natural way. The study on the degradation human being/ambient search to argue and to evaluate the study of the cities saw adjacent optics of the desenvolvimentista, the metropolis and its regions, increasing proeminence of concerns with the human being and the urban way. The modernization petitioned in elapsing of the period of industrialization until the age of the technologies of the information, beyond providing to the society well-being, the comfort and the praticidade, also brought it problems of health, hunger, water lack, of energy, between many others. When reaching ample dimensions, the sectors politician, economic and the vehicles of communication of masses cause forts impacts in the cultural values and the institutions of society. An environment objectified for these sectors has demanded transformations of the means of production, of consumption and a new social organization, wants either in the natural destruction, wants either in the search of the support. Result of reflections developed in the exercise of different you discipline, this research points some aspects that guide the current quarrel on the urban partner-ambient degradation. It is treated here, especially, to argue the notion of degradation, the evolution of the question human being and the consequent development of public politics directed toward the solution of the social problems urban and tied with the exercise of the citizenship, as well as a necessity of if searching a vision complex of the urban reality, from a new knowledge of the interaction between society and nature. The public politics that, when being unaware of the sproutings of the processes of popular production for the construction of the cities and the citizenship, constrangem the urban life.

Solar Systems Yes

Roofer master Michael Philipp informed about solar systems famous people give a new image the ecological consciousness such as Leonardo di Caprio and promote solar roofs. Except for personal use for the climate, there is another reason for the own solar roof. It provides not only the House power but it is also still a savings plan. After it has decided for a solar plant, one wonders how this works. There are two different types of solar systems. The one for the electricity the photovoltaic technology, where by solar cells which modular are mounted on the roof, the House electricity is generated. On the other hand, there is the solar baths. These collect heat energy and redirect it into the heating system of the House.

Solar Baths are very inexpensive compared to the solar cells. For the power supply of homes with solar energy systems to be secured, they remain connected to the local power grid. The advantage is also that power too much is produced which fed into the local power grid can be. The next question is what a roof requirements so that it can be converted to a solar roof. Every homeowner can install a solar roof, as they are subject to any special form of approval. It is rather the technical requirements which are responsible for ensuring that a solar roof may or may not be installed. The roof of the broadening should be ideal way have a tendency of 20 to 60 degrees, South point and does not lie in the shade, this applies to both the solar thermal and photovoltaic technology. If there is for example a four-person household water Spa should be six square metres in size. While at the solar-power system the size can be determined regardless of the captive, since unused electricity into the local power grid is fed, resulting in even more light in the budget book. An area of ten to twenty square meters is customary for a solar power plant. The roofer master Michael Philipp is this advisable you to experts like the Dachdeckerei Philipp because of the installation should be taken over by solar roofs always of special lists, because the single elements consist of highly sensitive materials.

So Paulo

Lack also in the quarter Popular Garden of integration and the will politics of the representatives, corporativismo, lack of resources, lacks even of culture that absorbs the participativo method of the population, and difficulty in the work to interdisciplinar Valley to also cite that in the quarter Popular Garden great part is not tarred, what also contributes for the consuming of the ground, and at these times of rains the trend is that the alone nothing more it absorbs and with this all the water of rain that to fall runs for the surface. Since until the had moment a great part of the quarter Popular Garden meets without asphalt, a society must assume its role, and try to preserve the damaged areas, in simple ways, but that with certainty it will have yes great result, therefore an erosion for simpler than either destroys the ground, thus finishing with the image it quarter where the majority of the quatromarquense population inhabits. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES? RABBIT, Maria Ceclia Nunes; Ambient impacts in Areas Urban. ; River of Janeiro2000. LEPSCH, I.F.Formao and conservation of ground. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts 2002.p.36-49? MONIZ.A.C (COORD) Elements of pedologia.

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