Paris Travel

We must not overlook the opportunity to see the tree of seven stories that adorns the dome of the first in the boulevard Hassmann. We can also use the visit to climb to the lookout and watch the night Paris was inaugurated in December after five in the afternoon. Eiffel Tower flashes each hour for five minutes while facing the Palais de Chaillot the lights of the sources in the Trocadero Gardens. A show for those who must have controlled the clock, but it is not the only way to live the Christmas celebration in Paris. The Champs Elysees leave a trail of lights to the Arc de Triomphe, while in the square of Notre Dame celebrate the holidays with the usual red balls fir. Until now the financial outlay has been minimal, but Christmas means homemade ornaments for purchase will be very useful flower and bird market. May overwhelm the variety of Christmas items including must acquire at least a wreath, typical of French holding tables. Common among the Parisians is to use the ice rinks of the Montparnasse district, the town hall square or opposite the Hotel de Ville, in addition to trips to the surroundings.

If we travel with children is a good idea to meet (34 kilometers), but if looking for something more special we should approach Amiens. One hour from Paris will run into the lights of the cathedral, declared heritage UNESCO World, next to the usual festive decorations market. On our return, and during the stay in Paris we determine where we will spend the night. At this time it extends the range of possibilities and raise prices. If we look for something bizarre to contemplate the possibility of installing in an igloo in the Aquitaine region or host near the home of Santa Claus and his elves in Champagne-Ardenne.

These and similar alternatives will involve a significant financial outlay, so it is advised to travel with few resources join the fashion. If we present a cost about 20 the night in shared room maybe we can take home any of the 13 desserts that characterize the end of the year in a town farther north of Paris, Lille. By: Sonia L. Sonia Baena is an independent traveler, before working as a writer for HostelBookers toured several continents to discover the wonders of their cities and towns. During his stay, several hostels in France of quality and affordable place to stay.

Parents Grandmothers

New responsibilities are conferred to the grandmothers, demanding of these financial aid to the grandsons or even though to the children, the care with the education, amongst others. The relation between grandmothers and grandsons defined until middle of the years of 1970 was characterized with frenquentes and even though daily contacts, however inhabiting in distinct places so that they made responsible for the grandsons without having that to impose them the rules of she disciplines as they made it to the parents; they could please to them, satisfy the wills to them or even though to mimar them. Later, the grandsons returned for house and the parents were in charge educating them and imposing the norms. If he cannot affirm that this relation left to exist. However, for explicitados factors already, have occurred changes in the familiar structure causing for the grandmothers the performance of functions of the parents.

Beyond the separations, resettings and the monoparentabilidade; the poverty, the unemployment, the growth of the social inaquality, the scarcity of public and social politics has taken the family to set in motion its members that are in better conditions to supply lack of that they are living in minimum conditions. The poverty, the unemployment, the increase of the social inaquality, the insufficience of the public and social politics can have led to the increase of its contribution in the familiar net. The precarious condition where the grandsons live tends to mobilize them in the direction of giving attendance to them. The grandmothers cuidadores, with its little retirement, look for to help in the difficulties of the family. (VITALE, 2007, p.96). The net of social protection of the members of the family is activated for the survival of these. The support given to the generations new, exactly that little, is an excellent strategy front to the expressions of the social matter. The grandmothers possess fixed incomes, retirements, pensions or benefits and are with these incomes that give the support to the children and to the grandsons, help this that contributes for not the esfacelamento of the family.


Classes are held in the hall barefoot in winter wear special shoes. In a way a small deviation from the etiquette. What drew her in Taekwon-do, hard to say offhand. I do have a long period of time. From childhood teacher tells us how to behave in training, dressing, come in the form of, for 10 minutes before the start. And these rules are under constant repetition were my rules of life. As for the athlete to get up in the morning and do exercises, or at the end of the day to catch up, do exercises.

All of these habits become natural. I say – why do you not bothered yet to practice every day? For me, this is the norm, as well as in the morning to brush your teeth. Parenting fortitude. Now we are the center of Mad sport ( preparing a program psychological growth for people unsure of myself. My part of the program – is an education will power through martial arts. Taekwon-do, indeed, the tempering. Because it is very hard to make yourself after a day or school to go to the gym and an hour and a half to beat the paw, to work on technique, stretch, sweat.

We explain to people that will power is brought up through repetitive, custom actions. We must say to yourself: if I came here, I can do it. And I can do something else, but I wanted to. I saw the 75-year masters Taekwondo, which squeezed 50 times in a manner which not all competitors can.

Non-Formal Education

Through non-formal citizenship is the goal, and it is thought in collective terms, is given by social practice. The non-formal education is characterized by not having to import predefined develop a curriculum that is mainly based on whims, needs and interests of those groups are involved in actions and practices of the educational field. The proposals of non-formal central aim to enrich the life of individuals, expanding the range of experiences and learning experiences of children, youth, adults and seniors. It highlights the meeting of generations, the mix of ages, often not mandatory and the occurrence of actions and experiences in space and time more flexible, not restricted or regulated by authorities. It designates a process with various dimensions, which correspond abrangencia the areas of which are: to) political learning for the rights of individuals as citizens; b) training of individuals to work through the learning of skills I / development potential; c) the learning and practice exercises that enable individuals to organize themselves with community goals, returns to collective problem solving everyday d ) learning the content of formal schooling, school, in different forms and spaces; e) developed in education and the mass media, especially electronic. What distinguishes non-formal education and informal is that the first has the intention of data subject to create or collect certain qualities I / objectives, is defined by an absence, in comparison to what is in school (something that would be non-intentional, non-planning, non-structured), on single paradigm to formal education. Informal education takes spontaneous or natural process, albeit laden with values and performances, such as family education, for example, transmitted by education parents in the family, living with friends, clubs, theaters, reading newspapers, books, etc. around.

By the end fields of teaching non-formal education are divided into: for literacy or transmit knowledge that historically has been systematized by men and women, to the clienteles planned subject of educational activities, with a distinctive structure and organization school organizations, comprising the area that convention called popular education and education for youth and adults, and includes education generated in the process of social participation in collective action for learning turns no content of formal education. Quote Maria de la Gloria Gohn, Until the 80s, non-formal education was a minor field, both in public policy as among educators At times, some lights were thrown on the non-formal education, but she was seen as an extension of formal education, developed ore outdoors school units. (P. 91) Before this education was seen as a union of procurement processes outlined individual participation in areas of rural extension, community animation, vocational or technical training, basic education, family planning etc. In the 90s, non-formal education achieved change in the economy, society and the workforce, switching to stimulate learning processes in groups and given huge prominence to the cultural values that link the actions of individuals. They talked about innovation in organizational culture, in general, learning requires extra-curricular skills. Have collaborated to international agencies and organizations like the UN and UNESCO, as well as some scholars. In Latin America, non-formal education in recent years been characterized by round work proposals for the poorest layer of the population, promoted by the public sector or idealized by different segments of civil society, often in partnerships with the private sector, from NGOs to religious groups and institutions that maintain partnerships with businesses. Disclosure is also being explored by the action of non-formal education, concern and actions on the issues that involve ecology and environmental problems.

United States

Using BPM, the Division of Siemens Healthcare measurable optimized its customer processes. Project Director Dorothee Funke from customer service: This award we are very pleased and see us more encouraged in our decision for Cordys. We work together on further implementation of the process.” Looked up: keyword process model reports the customer a disorder, a service technician must move on quickly. Which employee can be the fastest on the spot, determined, for example, a Google Maps integration in service management. Cordys solution day pointed the process live, how to implement such a solution quickly. The user creating the process model first according to the requirements of the Department by drag and drop. Just as it runs then the Cordys environment.

Existing rules for processes, for example, what action is followed by a detailed error message can be incorporated and be reused. Once created models can be also always optimized without programming effort. In demand: Hans-Cristian Edwards, Chairman manufacturing solutions Germany, Cordys, BPM trends of increasing economic pressures of recent years leading increasingly to that companies deal with the opportunities of business process management. The biggest benefit is evident in typical cross-cutting areas such as finance & controlling, purchasing, ERP (supply management), logistics and of course IT. It is therefore important that their respective requirements in the Center. Further expect users of BPM solutions, they are adaptable to quickly offer – and at any time. They should also comprehensively support staff that measurably improve situation in the Department and depict even the compliance regulations of the companies.

The trend goes too fast installation-ready out-of-the-box solutions therefore.” About Cordys Cordys is a global provider of software for business process innovation. Global 2000-company all over the world have for Cordys decided to increase the company performance and increased productivity to achieve reduced time-to-market and a faster response to the constantly changing requirements of the business environment. The global company headquartered in the Netherlands. In addition, Cordys maintains offices in the United States, in Germany, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, the print copy or email requested to: dieleutefurkommunikation Sarah holder editorial Kadam road 20 71069 Sindelfingen Tel.: + 49 (0) 7031 76 88-75 fax: + 49 (0) 7031 675 676 E-Mail: Web:

Pavel Krasheninnikov

In addition, firms providing services in land surveying, usually working in close contact with local authorities and actually become monopolists. Respectively, and they bid up prices at their discretion. For example, in the Moscow survey area of 15 hectare can do summer residents in the 50 thousand rubles. And the national average This figure varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. By law, the subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to regulate the price of its territory, subdivision, however, take any steps in this direction for some reason they do not hurry. To date, such restrictions are imposed only in certain regions, particularly in the Stavropol region, Tatarstan, Chuvashia. Now they pay for the surveying and a half to two times less. Another 48 subjects of the Federation until just cooked necessary documents, and the authorities of Vologda, Ivanovo and Vladimir regions and the Territory and did refuse to influence the monopolists.

However, it is hoped that soon the situation will change and the process of surveying will be streamlined and facilitated by the new law "On the inventory, which the State Duma plans to take in the spring session, the chairman of the Duma Committee on civil, criminal, arbitral and procedural legislation, Pavel Krasheninnikov. One only Moscow Regional Duma sent about 40 amendments to the draft federal law "On Cadastre" and "On amendments to some legislative acts in part improvement of the land. " "We have repeatedly drawn the attention of the State Duma deputies on the need to amend these laws in conjunction with the introduction of the dacha amnesty – the chairman of the Committee Mosobldumy of Land, Natural Resources and Environment Basil Dupak. – Unfortunately, the amendment shall only now. " Thus, only from January 1 was reduced by the size of the state duty for state registration of rights ownership of the land from 500 to 100 rubles. Outdoor time is usually from mid-spring – then and is expected to increase the number of applications for registration of land.

But even with the amendments adopted dissatisfied progress amnesty during this time will not be less. For example, vacationers who have received plots under lease (and there are quite a few in the country), under the Act are not covered at all. Is still difficult to register the land that is allocated in a village near a private subsistence farming, which subsequently built. To residential construction has been recognized, as before, the required technical data sheet on the structure, composed of bti. The only relief – no need to bring building permit. The truly lucky, perhaps, only owners of bathhouses, garages, outhouses, stables and other outbuildings that were built on sites registered in the property previously. To legalize these buildings no longer need to collect numerous permits, justifying samostroy. Enough to bring the documents to the ground and fill in the declaration form, which gives the registration ward. In general, the dacha amnesty is stalling. To date, the certificate of ownership under the new rules were a unit of landowners. Meanwhile, top gardening season just around the corner. And, even if the deputies patch up to the summer all the loopholes in the laws, full speed the reform will not go until next year.

The Biggest Funfair On The Rhine LIVE From Funfair Studio

“” Daily specials LIVE from the fair since you can wat erlawe: the biggest funfair on the Rhine “begins and turns Dusseldorf” this year every day LIVE on the (giant) wheel. The local TV station for the regions of Dusseldorf, Neuss and Mettmann reported from 17 to 25 July, daily from 19: 00 live from the mobile fair-TV Studio in airy heights. A colorful TV program with interesting topics, celebrity guests, and a breathtaking view over the biggest funfair on the Rhine expected viewers”. Switch, buckle up and watch: from the 17th to the 25th of July LIVE sends daily from 19: 00 from the own kermis-TV Studio on the Oberkassel Rhine meadows. The exclusive fair TV program for all at home, with the most important information around the fair day, the rides, marquees, exhibitors, shooters, and much more.

The mobile fair reporters are all day long on the Rhine meadows with the camera on the go and capture the most beautiful impressions of the fair, exciting turn Background reports, give interesting before local information and current service notices. “All spectators, the the special the biggest funfair on the Rhine” from home in the region of Dusseldorf, the Rhine district of Neuss and the district Mettmann about Unitymedia cable on channel S18 (frequency 280,25) and live on the Internet via Web TV at enjoy, receive. “Program Note: daily from 19: 00: the special the biggest funfair on the Rhine” with many invited guests and background reports from the fair day. The program highlights: Saturday, July 17: A look behind the scenes of Sunday, July 18: the big shooters parade Monday, July 19: pink Monday and RheinSport special Tuesday, July 20: the karaoke finals who will be the new CityStar? Wednesday, July 21: By protecting, amusement park rides and attractions Thursday, July 22: Carnival excitement for young and old alike Friday, July 23: CityLife special and the colourful Carnival Fireworks Saturday, July 24: on to the funfair Sprint Sunday, 25. July: The highlights of the fair days a complete schedule can be viewed on the Internet at.

Background: Dusseldorf is the local television channel for the regions of Dusseldorf, Neuss and Mettmann. News from business, politics, sport and culture, as well as sophisticated reports and talk shows will be presented on topics that move the region. According to a representative survey of range from the months of Feb.-Apr. 2009 regularly around 320,000 viewers has been convinced. Center.TV Dusseldorf is available via the analog and digital Unitymedia cable network on channel S 18 and live on the Internet via Web TV. For more information see. Press contact: home television Dusseldorf GmbH & co. KG Ilona Ganguly Schadowstrasse 11b 40212 Dusseldorf Tel: 0211 / 54 000 5-00 fax: 0211 / 54 000 5-55 E-Mail: Internet:

How To Play The Guitar At Home. Chords And Sheet Music For Guitar

The mass of citizens, what they want to learn to play guitar, addressed to various sources, note that they are available now. Quite a few services on the internet, various tutorials, many of them can actually buy in each store of books, intended to help consumers in resolving this issue. At the same time today, I would like to advise citizens of what is already playing the guitar, and not averse to improve personal skills, as well as and the person who dreams to learn this art from the elementary truths, the resource is made and successfully operating online. It is offered in its pages all the possible chords, what will help you learn and show own talents in the future. Credits think about how to present a considerable number of the required information, what is intended to help both people who are already acquired certain skills, as well as beginners. On pages service offered to many popular magazines that can tell us about the guitar mastery and well-known artists.

Recommendations pros of the highest level will be useful to every user absolutely portal and will be simply fun and informative. Absolutely all of the programs for the guitar, what you see on the site should be very useful, and by downloading them on your home PC, if necessary, to use them successfully. In addition to all the pages of a resource always operate basic chords for acoustic guitar, they will not be superfluous to everyone. Presented in sections portal tutorial on guitar, will help in a very short periods of time to get acquainted with such art, and music for guitar rock will be useful to all and help you find a very deep personal talents and to show their home and family. In that case, if you think that improvisation on the guitar – a problem which hardly is feasible, then hitting on the resource page and seeing Tips pros, and then applying them in practice, you can be assured that it is not.

You just need a great desire, and in addition that little bit of patience and time, and then the dream to play blues guitar or can implement something else (say, jazz, flamenco and more) take place in the near future. You will be able to surprise their loved ones, friends or partners, pointing to a party, personal abilities and skills that you have mastered using the comments and advice to artists, offered on the pages. Anytime you have to ask all the questions completely, which should appear at the time of acquaintance with this site, its authors, using the form placed in the corresponding section, and in no time at all you are guaranteed to get them a thorough and professional answers. And in this If the period of study, which will be presented with the support of the portal will be accessible and will bring only positive emotions.

Vinyl Records

Gramophone record dates back to the music library – store recordings, where the shelves are lined with shelves with reels of magnetic tape. On this tape recording is transferred to the lacquered disc with a special cutting tool recorder, carving a sound track. Electrical signals are converted to tape the mechanical vibrations of the tool. At the same lacquer disc is rotating at a constant rate. The cutter is cutting out the groove, moving in from the edge to center. Lacquer disc is a precision product. Basis (substrate) is a thin aluminum sheet.

On the substrate (base) applied on both sides of a special lacquer coating thickness of about 0.2 mm. In the process of lakonaneseniya excluded the possibility that the extraneous inclusions larger than 1 micron. The lacquer is applied in a sterile room in which the air flows through a complicated system of dust collection. For lacquer and impose strict requirements on filtering, application and subsequent drying. The recorder is a precision electro-mechanical machine, which records on lacquer disc. In the room where he was also supported by the sterile cleanliness. To prevent parasitic vibrations that can be transmitted to the chisel, the recorder is set on a strong base, and have no links with the building itself.

The tape passes through the coil recorder, excites in them an electrical current. The cores of coils begin to oscillate with a cutter, slicing, so that the grooves. Formed with the chip is removed by vacuum suction, adjacent to the cutter. The cutter is designed as a cutting tool, rather complex in its geometry, which has microscopic dimensions. Tool for fine wire is wound. The electric current passing through it, heating causes the tool to 200-300 C. Hot chisel to cut a layer of varnish groove smoother and softer, thus minimizing the noise level. Sapphire – the main material used for the manufacture of cutting tools. Diamond, a very expensive, rarely used. The process of cutting the track follows the operator. Originally had to use a microscope, which is very tired eyes. But later on the cutting head equipped with a tiny camera, which made it possible to observe the process, looking at the monitor. Burn to disc lacquer so obtained is identical to the magnetic sound track. Of the lacquer disc are originals by nickel electroforming. This electrochemical method allows you to make exact copies of the microrelief tracks. The first may be the original matrix, it can be pressed from shellac. On the one matrix can be made several hundred vinyl records. If the order of records in the thousands of pieces, an additional matrix. For this disc does not apply the varnish. In a bath of electrolyte is placed first original, and with it removed second original. As soon as he received his check at the hearing by placing a special player. When defects are detected, it is sometimes the studio recording a new lacquer disc. But in most cases for the work is taken factory jeweler-engraver, who, through their tools and techniques eliminates defects distort the sound. When defects are eliminated, are engaged in the manufacture of matrices. With the restored drive the electrochemical method receive third original. For many thousands of editions of vinyl records from the third source are fourth. He was sent to the factory of records, where, using the same electroplating, make necessary number of matrices, depending on circulation.