Schengen Visa

History of Schengen in the mid 80s of the twentieth century, the mutual integration of the European Union has reached a level that was necessary to make a qualitative change in the rules of migration. As a result, on June 14, 1985 in Luxembourg in the Schengen part of the EU member states signed a document of global significance – the agreement on the abolition of passport control. The new standard visa Schengen he named. Currently, the Schengen area includes two half a dozen countries: Austria, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia. The essence of this agreement lies in the fact that citizens were able to move freely within the Schengen area.

Condition for such freedom of movement is to obtain a Schengen visa at any of the above countries. The Schengen visa is a single model for states that do not belong to the Schengen zone. Because the types of visas, the objectives for the citizens of foreign countries differ, as well as the duration of stay abroad – Visas are divided into different categories: A, B, C and D. Category A – for this type of visa applies airport transit visa, which allows the holder to stay in the transit zone of an international airport with no visitation rights territory. Category B – This type of visa, which is also considered a transit is already to travel through the territory of one state to another visit. Category C – is the most sought, type of visa which, in reality, can be identified as the main Schengen visa. The Schengen visa is issued for this category of short-term visits. On it you can enter the country, the embassy which issued it to you, and only then you can move freely within the entire Schengen area without visas in more states within the Schengen Union.

In this case, it is important to note that this type of visa does not give you the right to work in these states. Visa C is divided into subtypes, which represent, as a rule, the length of stay and frequency of entry: C1 – entitles you to enter up to 30 days; C2 – gives you the right to stay in the Schengen group of 31 to 90 days; C3 – issued for multiple entries (multivisa), it is valid, usually within a year and gives you the right to stay in the Schengen area not exceeding 90 days; C4 – essentially the same as C3, with the only difference that is issued for 5 years. Category D – this type of visa is for entry to a particular country (national visa) and gives a fairly broad powers to its owner, namely the right to remain in the state for a long time, to get a job with the possibility of a residence permit, etc. Despite the fact that quite often you can hear the words "Schengen visa type D, still, I want to emphasize that the head of all these type of visas in the first place, the definition of a Schengen visa, falls into the category of visas under the letter S. The original article, visit the website of the Immigration

Aristotle Water

But for this project him energy would be used to distill the marine fresh water water. DISTILLATION OF THE MARINE FRESH WATER WATER Aristotle obtained fresh water by means of the system of distillation of marine waters. In the century XVI Blasco Garay and Leonardo l$da Vinci, they presented/displayed similar machines that using boilers obtained fresh water distilling the water of the sea. In that then limited energy it was an obstacle. But 15 MW can provide electricity but that sufficient for all the operation of the treatment plant it requires. Turning thousands of cubic meters of fresh water salt water to the day. Closing the valve of the drainage pipe, the valve of the distribution pipe is abre that as to his same it says it name, distributes the water from sea to the boilers by means of the unloading pipes. These pipes of unloading also are used for pre to warm up the water before they enter the boilers.

When providing amounts of lukewarm water to the boiler, use excessive respect the times of the treatment process. Within the boilers, the marine water will boil like in a pot under pressure. The water of sea contains 4% of solids dissolved like salt, chlorine, etc. that can separate completes easily and by means of what is called individual distillation, first evaporating the water and soon condensing the steam in a cold camera, since it becomes in any still, obtaining like result; pure or distilled water. At heart of the boilers it would be the pure brine, that will have to be removed once in a while and can be given back to the sea, since it does not contain any type of chemistry or also it can be industrialized, extracting of this salt marine sodium chloride (86%) and the rest of other trace elements as they can be calcium, magnesium and manganese.

Fundamental Freedoms

Any human right – none other than the responsibilities of others. Instead of saying, "I I have the right ", you can always say," He must do it for me. " Approval of the second. In the relationship of people always comes first duty. Only after the appearance of duties can be said about right. When sewing clothing, along with face and clothes is always a wrong side. In a similar way relate to the duty and right.

Note to the second part: All normal people wear clothes face outside and inside the seamy. Part 8, in which the author tries to fly to the moon and get a job there in the author's right to walk on the moon? Of course there are, who can deny the author to walk on this beautiful celestial ! Only now, unfortunately, no one else's responsibility to deliver on the moon. Nobody wants to take on such responsibility. And just as there is no force would be desirable to realize their inalienable right to walk on the moon! "Citizens have the right to work, that is, to guaranteed employment. " So it was written in the Constitution of the USSR.

And every man really had in Soviet times, the right to work, and the right to work there was a man just because State necessarily suited man on the job. "Everyone has the right to freely use their abilities to work." So now written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. As can be seen, right to work has disappeared in Russia. That's right it was, but somewhere around the mid-90s of last century it was no more. How is it right could disappear? Yes, everything is simple – the state abandoned its duty to hold people to work. Gone was the duty and then gone right. Part 9 in which the author pays tribute to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Oh, it is fashionable today to remember the convention, when you need to talk about human rights.


An interesting fact is that modern master of mosaics copy does not look ancient mosaic panels, and that their kind that got us thousands of years later. Created in our time, stone paintings, as a rule, especially the 'old' – the so-generated image of antique items, like existed for many centuries. Often, contemporary works are full replicas of famous mosaic panels of the past. However, there may be conflicting versions, do not hide their youth. Popularity mosaics, like any fashion, caused a stir in this case, the mosaic production. Often the creation of the stone panels are literally put on the conveyor.

Ordinary workers who do not have taste and talent, without a creative agony put the item in the appropriate area of the mosaic pattern. So generated many identical and rather primitive works. Do mosaics right to exist? Yes, but their role is an analogy with painting, is reduced to printed in the printing reproductions of the Mona Lisa. Similar to the art works are very remote. Carrier understood the implications. As expected, the real works of mosaic art are rare.

In the world There are several places in our time are unique masterpieces. To the delight of Russian patriots, we must say that one of these centers is located in St. Petersburg. Hard to believe, but in the Black River, in the workshops of the company Strelets – Fireplaces Petersburg 'are works of art, comparable, and somewhat superior to the mosaic of Great Antiquity. The reason for the superiority of the St. Petersburg mosaic cut out many terms, but chief among them is likely all, is itself the mood to create not just a product, and works of art. Simple sum of quality materials, training of masters and modern equipment is not enough – a necessary 'ingredient success' and is embedded in the work of the soul. And that piece of art turned out to be an inspiration to reach several people. It is clear that the architect, develop projects and artist who creates a mosaic need to feel each other, but their companion in the creation of a masterpiece and the customer must make a stone panels. Its mission – to accept the order as introduction to high art. Positive mood and atmosphere of trust between these three people can really work wonders! Illustrations are only partially convey the beauty of the mosaic of St. Petersburg. Modulations of color, shape and figure minute details still remain behind the scenes. Well discernible one – a mosaic of the XXI century, as well as her ancestors left the memory of our time in centuries and millennia.

Flour Knowledge

The systematization of the data collected for the educators was in agreement (to see 1 and 2 attached; the table and the graphs). Then, after the elaboration of this table with the system of production and the infrastructure, for Cities, transferred it the stage of the elaboration of the graphs, having as evaluation object, the statistics of the production system, thus the graphs had been in accordance with the choice of the team for City. The used substances had been colorful penxses, papers, bristol boards, pencils and paper 40. Tera? Fair 13 -07 -20 Iniciamos this morning with the retaken one of the events of the previous day, then, all had participated saying what it happens in the second fair, thus the Formadora Selma alerted for the production of the daily etnogrfico and story of experiences, that many have difficulties in making. After this moment, had received with music the Flour of Djavan, then the people had said one alone word that identified the reason of many to be there, thus many had said that they were why: I believe the program, I accumulate of knowledge, practical theory and, force of will, curiosity, to know more, love, pleasure, satisfaction the video of Agroflorestao that approached the thematic one of the ground consumed. In this manner Selma attempted against for the activity that would be made, in which if needs to emphasize for the relation of the objectives and the problematizao, as well as the importance of the areas of knowledge to be integrated for the systematization of the project. Then the objectives had been elect, that did not give to finish at this moment, therefore, then more they would be mstica, together with the wheel of dialogues with the palestrantes Oscar Rover and Severino Branches. Then the representatives of the areas of the knowledge, explanaram its following questionings: Languages? knowing that this moment of transistion of the agronegcio for the agroecologia, is not easy.


Podstolya for furniture in cafes, bars and restaurants have different personalities, like himself, the interior of these enterprises, as well as any furniture for cafes and restaurants. And manufacturers each year offering new models to help owners of restaurants emphasize their individuality. Actually with the selection of design concepts and premises are often good starting a cafe or restaurant. CC Riword engaged in manufacturing and supplying podstolev and support for tables, including furniture to bars, cafes and restaurants since 2001. During these years, we have proposed several exclusive models for stylish cafes and bars, as well as established supply chrome podstolev from China and cast podstolev with other Russian factories and from Italy.

All models feature an original design. Longevity of use is guaranteed by the use of quality materials – steel and aluminum, modern manufacturing techniques and painting. We offer podstolya with powder coating, durability is significantly higher than normal paint, color palette options for virtually nothing are not limited to, painted in such a way the product looks like a modern factory product, unlike products, painted a traditional hammer enamel. For those who prefer a chrome podstolya and bases for chairs, we offer a few wonderful Chinese-made products. Chrome podstolya expensive, but their quality does not let you down in any circumstances. Designing furniture for cafes difficult but interesting task. CC Riword their experiences and completed projects shows that this task will be successfully resolved in the future. Our model can be viewed at:. Or call: (495) 646 August 2000

Compelling Strengths

Any sooner or later, out of school. Where? This issue is common to all parents who are aiming to provide good education to your child. But here there is a detail: our mentality is that to make a beautiful formed a solid man of the lot does not know, raunchy, and modest young man will only education abroad. Popular, of course, states such as France, Italy, England, Germany and other European countries, as there is the highest classical school with established views on quality education. Universities of these states is a leader in the specialized world rankings, here the powerful send their children to learn. Clearly, education abroad has some undeniable advantages. This implies become acquainted with students of other states to adopt teaching methods and bring them home, and a show and see the world.

That is the reason why overseas travel and professors of our universities. I should say that thanks to the introduction of European education system, tn Bologna process, which means getting international diploma after studying in our universities, in the near future it will be easier to get an education abroad. Of special note is education in China. As you know, not so long ago, China was a dictatorship and a state with low standard of living. But today's China – it is occupied by one of the best places in terms of the economy rapidly developing country. And education is a popular and prestigious for the U.S. and Europe. Additional information is available at Carrier. Education in China is very different from our system of higher education. Education is divided into 3 stages: the first 4-5 years of a student studying for a bachelor's degree, the next 2-3 years aimed at obtaining master's, and the last stage in 3 years can become a doctor of sciences. Leadership of the state is interested in the educated people, so education in China is a budget item, which invested heavily. Organize by 2021 one hundred higher education institutions, leading in quality education on the planet – is the goal of the government program "Project 211" operating in China.

Modular Cargoes

Today, increasingly, most companies have a situation where it is necessary to send or receive cargo and a small party in the short term. In the Russian market there was a decreasing trend in consignments freight and it's not surprising, since traders are much more convenient to receive small shipments several times a week than larger and less frequently. Of course, you can order on each shipment a separate species transport, but such a small shipping will be economically justified. The best option for companies that need a small freight shipments, is to transport cargo, when Small shipments are collected, processed and loaded into one vehicle and delivered to the consignees. The advantages of such transportation are obvious: o No need to pay separate delivery cargo vehicle, filled less than half. o No need to store the shipment to make it economically viable transportation. o The delivery of cargoes customer pays only for the place that it is cargo in the vehicle. The advantages of delivering cargoes by road: o Ability to transport of goods from the sender to the receiver without overload.

o High safety of the cargo; o Large mobility and relatively high speed transportation. o Independence of location and destination of goods from sea and river ports, major cities and w / e. ways. Under these conditions today in the Russian market an effective system of delivery – this is one of the most important conditions for successful business. Transport company 'Meridian 60' aims to provide customers a full range of freight services road and offers the following: o Groupage cargo trucks Ekaterinburg (awning, container, thermos, board) fence various capacities and cargo delivery, freight forwarding, storage and cargo insurance. o Shipping Ekaterinburg individual machine, delivery of goods "door to door ', download the associated transport of the Ural region to all cities in Russia. o Storage for safekeeping Goods In addition, the transport company 'Meridian 60' provides the following services are included in the cost of transportation: o weighing of cargo; o label; o handling in our warehouse; o free storage at stock after receipt of the goods 3 (three) working days; o informing the recipient about the cargo. We appreciate the confidence of those who chose as a partner in our firm. Solving all the tasks in the complex, we daily prove in practice that the logistics – it's easy!

Review Call

Play your friends and family using sms jokes, this is an excellent way to approve of people around the belief that you are a person with a wonderful sense of humor. To help you achieve this, we are pleased to present to Review your unique collection of sms jokes and funny sms messages from sending an anonymous function, which you can freely install it on your cell phone. Collection of sms jokes is a Java-based application compatible with all models of mobile phones. Thanks to this collection sms jokes you can have fun playing your friends and girlfriends, colleagues and superiors, suddenly sending them an amazing sms jokes incognito. You take a lot of fun ourselves and others! Mobile Nonsense Congratulations! Your profile successfully razmeschenana site! Ochenbystro you find your blue mate! Administration – ***** Thanks for woman we deliver to you tomorrow 15.45Ero office ***** "You have violated paragraph 26 of Article 3Ustava our .Pri repeated violation budeteisklyucheny you among our subscribers, all of your numbers budutzablokirovany. mts office. " ***** – Call to some number: – Hello, this is you suffer from .My called to warn you that after 1 hour will be turned off hot and cold water in connection with an emergency situation for about 6 days, so we ask you to avoid further confusion to get more water in the pans, basins, and do not forget the bath – Thank you for warning .- Yes, we all ring up (call back in half an hour): – Hello, You typed in the bath water? – Yes – Now go and Apply the boats! ***** – A good joke on the phone (for people with voice mail): Call any number of noodle, but as soon as it will remove the tube, turn on the answering machine, or if you do not, then start saying: 'Hello, you talking to an answering machine, unfortunately, at this point no one can pick up the phone ' i.t.d, i.t.p.Effekt guaranteed. ***** – Call (must be a woman's voice) to a friend when he was not home and say: – Hello, Vasya possible to phone? – he was not there .- Ah, well, tell him that I did not agree on abortion! ***** – Call any number: – Hello! Call, please, Major Ivanov? – This apartment .- Yes, I know that is not a barracks. And to you did a search had not yet come? – No .- Well come, let the Major call back in office!.

Russian Federation

If you have a residence permit (temporary residence permit) or a permanent residence (domicile) in the Czech Republic, the options for transportation of personal belongings when moving to a new residence just three. Will try to disclose all terms and conditions requirements of these options. Option 1. Transportation of household goods through the cargo container railway container station. We describe the pros and cons: Pros: – the container is guaranteed to reach the station of the country of destination, certain station timeframe. – Container (from the station to send) will bring to your home and help you load things, unless previously paid for these services Cons: – not all container station cities in Russia and cis working on sending containers to the Czech Republic (in another country) – the safety and integrity of things is not guaranteed. – Mandatory inspection of personal belongings customs officer at the station of departure – will be given a freight container no less than 20 tons – the cost of transporting cargo in twenty ton container (from the station from Moscow to the Russian Federation to the Russian border) will be 4.000 euros, regardless of size, type, quantity, value and quality loaded personal belongings. – The sum of 4000 euros Not included in the transport rate of passage container abroad in Russia and additional services in the delivery and unloading of personal items – the fare from the Russian border to the destination station (foreign country) you pay additionally upon receipt of its container, the amount depends on the state of tariffs and value-added services station receiver. For assistance, try visiting Online Degree Programs.