How long does the search work? This question is a simple answer to nobody can. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sonny Perdue has to say. In Ukraine, every day are searching for about 1 mln.lyudey. Reasons to change jobs several: the low level of wages fees, lack of career prospects, inconvenient schedule, hours or location of work; intolerable relationships within the team or with management. There are several methods to search for Nogo jobs, and Each has its pluses and minuses, including temporary. 1.
Results of Labor Market Studies shows that the most popular way to search for remains in the circle of friends or relatives. Pros: Using this method, you get a full (or not quite complete) information about the company, working conditions, collective, established traditions, etc. Cons: Coming to a new place of work for the protection, you risk getting a negative collective attitude towards you. Also looking for work "to pull" – a process largely incremental and takes plenty of time. Initially, you meet with one person, it encourages you to someone else, who, in turn, calls the next name, and so on until you tie a familiarity with the key figure. 2. Search jobs by recruitment agencies.
Pros: What good is this method of job search, so this is the fact that all the tedious gestures (such as calls to potential employers, clarifying the dates of interviews, etc.) instead you do the good uncle and aunt of the employment agencies. Of course – for your money. They are usually extremely polite and welcoming people (as well as all paid aunts and uncles), closely questioned you, record in detail all of your data, take your resume and then send you to the interview to potential employers.