Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) was a United States mechanical engineer, initially it worked as laborer and technician in mechanics and later formed mechanical engineer studying at night. The father of the Scientific Administration in its business card is considered, read ‘ ‘ specialist in systemize management of plants and costs of fabricao’ ‘ , it gave to the beginning to the study of methods with the objective to organize the production of the industries, to characterize the workers and to guide the administrators, that is, its focus was the efficiency and operational effectiveness in the industrial administration, that is, emphasis in the tasks. The work of F.W.Taylor as was also known, gave to the beginning the Administration Cientifica or Taylorismo, was the beginning of the concern of the managers of the time with a method that organized the production, therefore the American industry was suffering significant changes that made that small plants if transformed into great companies. The Industrial Revolution American, beyond if characterizing for the change of the artesanato to the manufacture as main method of production of products for the consumer, also characterized themselves for the pioneirismo, and the concern with the organization and coordination. For even more opinions, read materials from A. F. Chief of Staff . The scientific Administration is divided in two periods where Taylor in each one of them gave emphasis to a type of study.
In the first period, its boarding was the study of the organization of the production with the celebrity ‘ ‘ study of the times and movimentos’ ‘ that it rationalized the methods of work of the laborer and fixed the times standards for the execution of each task, it as soon as believed that the payment for bond to the workers would only be interesting if the workers could have the chance to gain more through the planning and assay of the tasks, allowing the workers if they felt more satisfied, because thus they would have one better wage, since the payment of the time was made for bond (awarding), Taylor with this system premiava the worker not it work. In as the Taylor period if it worried more about the side of manages of it manufactures, it started to give importance to the planning of the tasks and elaborated for this the 4 Principles of the Scientific Administration that are: I begin of the Planning, that finishes with the improvisation; I begin of the Election when it selects the best hand of workmanship and the best materials and schemes; I begin of the Control, where all are certifyd so that the execution is the best possible one and the beginning of the Execution that is the organized distribution of the work. The Scientific Administration brought some benefits for the Administrative Theory, but also very she was criticized by its mechanist vision that was only worried about the production and its management for the scientific methods forgetting them other aspects a company or even though it man since it considered the human being as one schemes that never it could break. Exactly thus we cannot deny that Taylor was the first one that it was worried in giving the Business administration the science character.