Even if CLA supplementation is something forgotten, many athletes and diet swear fans on the effect of CLA. The human organism can usually not independently establish CLA and must take over the food. Small amounts of CLA arise E.g. in the gut by anaerobic micro-organisms, free radicals or desaturation (conversion) from trans vaccenic acid and are therefore finding in certain tissues. CLA is formed in the rumen and the tissue derived from ruminants. Thus, meat and dairy products derived from ruminants serve as a main source of CLA intake for humans.
An adult takes in average daily to 350 to 430 mg of CLA. More than 90% of ingested dietary CLA constitutes the trans fatty acid cis-9, trans-11 CLA. Artificially produced CLA supplements contain, however, usually a mixture of different CLA isomers, with the cis-9, trans-11, and the cis-10, 12-trans isomer have a high percentage. The highest biological activity is said to them. CIS-9, trans-11 muscle growth can trans-12 fat loss can support, while support cis-10. CLA should reduce the storage of fat in the fat cells (Lipogenesis), stimulate fat metabolism and promote a lipolysis. They support the apoptosis, so the programmed cell death of fat cells, and thus reduce their number.
In addition, CLA reduce the amount of protein hormone leptin, which plays a significant role in weight gain. Thus, a long-term intake of CLA contributes effectively to the reduction of body fat and is ideal for diets. Taking a regular daily 3, 4 g over three months the body fat percentage can be reduced demonstrably by 20%. In addition, says it also has a positive impact on muscle building CLA and protect against muscle breakdown ahead. You raise the muscle cells for the penetration of building substrates and improve the nitrogen assimilation, which promotes the protein biosynthesis and thus muscle growth. At the same time, they increase the nitrogen retention, causing degradation processes regarding the muscles can be reduced. Thus thanks to increased intake of CLA in a short time break down not only a lot of body fat, you can build muscle mass and up to 5%. CLA is offered mostly in the form of tablets. The revenue recommendation amounted to 3-5g CLA per day, which should be distributed each half on breakfast and dinner.