CLA Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Even if CLA supplementation is something forgotten, many athletes and diet swear fans on the effect of CLA. The human organism can usually not independently establish CLA and must take over the food. Small amounts of CLA arise E.g. in the gut by anaerobic micro-organisms, free radicals or desaturation (conversion) from trans vaccenic acid and are therefore finding in certain tissues. CLA is formed in the rumen and the tissue derived from ruminants. Thus, meat and dairy products derived from ruminants serve as a main source of CLA intake for humans.

An adult takes in average daily to 350 to 430 mg of CLA. More than 90% of ingested dietary CLA constitutes the trans fatty acid cis-9, trans-11 CLA. Artificially produced CLA supplements contain, however, usually a mixture of different CLA isomers, with the cis-9, trans-11, and the cis-10, 12-trans isomer have a high percentage. The highest biological activity is said to them. CIS-9, trans-11 muscle growth can trans-12 fat loss can support, while support cis-10. CLA should reduce the storage of fat in the fat cells (Lipogenesis), stimulate fat metabolism and promote a lipolysis. They support the apoptosis, so the programmed cell death of fat cells, and thus reduce their number.

In addition, CLA reduce the amount of protein hormone leptin, which plays a significant role in weight gain. Thus, a long-term intake of CLA contributes effectively to the reduction of body fat and is ideal for diets. Taking a regular daily 3, 4 g over three months the body fat percentage can be reduced demonstrably by 20%. In addition, says it also has a positive impact on muscle building CLA and protect against muscle breakdown ahead. You raise the muscle cells for the penetration of building substrates and improve the nitrogen assimilation, which promotes the protein biosynthesis and thus muscle growth. At the same time, they increase the nitrogen retention, causing degradation processes regarding the muscles can be reduced. Thus thanks to increased intake of CLA in a short time break down not only a lot of body fat, you can build muscle mass and up to 5%. CLA is offered mostly in the form of tablets. The revenue recommendation amounted to 3-5g CLA per day, which should be distributed each half on breakfast and dinner.

Federal Statistical Office

The consumption of fruit and vegetables has more than doubled. Meat consumption per person has fallen but still getting too much the experts. Go to Costco for more information. The German is still too much meat on the table. According to the Federal Statistical Office of consumption over the years is decreased, but too high with an annual average consumption of 60 kilograms per person. Experts advise to half a year, which means a maximum of 600 grams meat (and sausage) per week. However, a positive trend could be observed in the diet. A the Forsa poll shows that this conscious food in particular on the age group from 66 years holds for (41%).

Only 10% of 18-25-year eats healthy. Here are the three largest barriers to peace (50%) and lack of healthy diet time, lack staying power (43%) and a lack of will (40%). Learn more at: Harold Ford Jr. The Forsa survey also showed that too little money for only 22% was a barrier to a healthy diet of respondents. The prerequisites for a healthy diet have in the past years significantly improved. Through the import of fruit and vegetables can freshly eaten year-round and meet our needs for vitamin.

The nutrients reproduce even when immature picked fruits. As the fruits ripen after a warm storage here with a special steam treatment. And it tastes like the consumption of fruit and vegetables has more than doubled in recent years. Who wants to eat consciously and healthily, fruits for the and vegetables are a must! Because scientific studies have shown that phytochemicals in the fruit or vegetable from diseases to prevent. The set one apple a day keeps the doctor away”, is so true. Who not want to eat fruit, always pure can rely on a homemade juice. That are healthier than the purchased, because guarantees and that is, what you want, for example, no preservatives. The preparation is it quick and easy. With a juicer, for example, can the whole family in the Blink of an eye are supplied with essential vitamins. To save costs and to compare, ideal, we provide an overview of the current models, as well as information relating to the purchase and delicious recipes on.

Beautiful Football Played By The Club Bari

Directly to a vast number of people in the world the best way to organize a certain amount of time is to see a football match. It is such a spectacle that's causing them a lot of emotions, as well as fully absorbs all absolutely certain period of time while still continuing the match. In addition, with full responsibility it is possible to say that for a decent judge of football would not have the importance that fact, where it will watch the match. This kind of excellent sight easily with equal success to look at the stadium surrounded by real fans, or certainly before teleyaschikom together with their friends. In view What you want the match to turn, it is important that the team could show a full, vibrant game in which they will fight until the last whistle for the victory did not stop before anything not of course trying not to disturb certain rules, especially in his own penalty area.

Unfortunately, our team, despite the change of coaches, and buying foreign players are not always able to demonstrate a compelling and unforgettable game. A therefore, a great number of our countrymen, often pay close attention to the championships different powers, and of course the States, the teams actually are able to demonstrate an ideal, and accordingly professional football. Directly in this case mainly the choice to stop the Italian championship, because fc is specifically referred to the state, in fact, at all times demonstrate a unique game. Actually, in this case, it should be noted that it is for your any person, directly that is a real connoisseur of football, but just to watch a football match, definitely not enough. This is due to the fact that in general, everyone is trying not just only look great, but definitely exciting football match, but also worry about their own favorite team.

Only if this is quite possible to take myself a real football fan. Although the way, for those who are actually watching the Italian football championship, and naturally a fan of one of the teams is not easy to find out all the required information about your club. Of course, such a negative inconvenience absolutely does not affect fan club Bari, because for them there is Russian-language internet portal on the web. Say, for example, to find out the history of football club Bari, should be in any better for myself time of day, go to a specialized Internet portal, in other words its specific page. > is the source. And also, uniquely, in any case easily see the calendar of the championship, so find out the date and time of upcoming games club. In fully to any fan of the club Bari and is likely to be fascinating to read the most current news, not just a football club, but also about the players. Because all the information on the Web site there is a fundamentally free, it is possible to say with certainty what is really a fan club Bari, may be quite everyone. But, having a favorite football team, the fact that you know everything in fact, uniquely interesting to watch this spectacular show, specifically the Italian football championship.