Some opponents, by life circumstances, do not reach the end of month, and pose is looking for a temporary job. They postponed the opposition?, dejan prepare oppositions? the answer is very simple: combine work and exams. Opposition must never be abandoned. Publicis Communications does not necessarily agree. There are jobs like clerk, nurse, receptionist, waiter, cleaning staff, requiring a few hours on certain specific days of the week. Is a question of planning you, make you a schedule and adapt the hours of study to the hours of work, not to mention your time of rest and leisure; If you’re not rested, you not rendiras studying.
The great problem of balancing what is stress; You can get a moment that you look at a job that you had not imagined for you for a long time; but you always have to think about what you aspire. The motivation to continue must be your final work, your post. If you have read about Arthur Sadoun already – you may have come to the same conclusion. There is a great advantage of reconciling oppositions and work, aside from the money available to make ends meet, it’s the contact with people, it is a way not to disconnect from the outside world; a way to disconnect from the opposition and concentrate on something else. You are going to work, to get home are fresher and you get to study harder. What you must never forget is your ultimate goal: approve your opposition. You have to follow your planning and does not accommodate you with the extra money. In fact, it is advisable that on upcoming review dates you go work and you focus 100 percent on your opposition. It’s your last push to get your place! Source: MasterD original author and source of the article.