Worried about the wild and annihilating capitalist interests, the Brazilian government created the Legal Amaznia, that was created to legitimize the sovereignty of Brazil on the portion of the forest that fits in them. So that if it can understand better, a little to the sprouting come back of the legitimation of the Legal Amaznia. With the end of the cycle of the rubber in the first decades of century 20, the region came back to the economic isolation. In the attempt to revert the situation, some measures had been adopted. In 1953, in as the mandate of president Getlio Vargas, the term appeared Legal Amaznia. The Legal Amaznia account with nine states: Amazon, Amap, Par, Roraima, Rondnia, Acre and parts of the Maranho, Mato Grosso great projects of the region. The model stimulated the construction of great plants hydroelectric plants as Tucuru, the implantation of the Carajs polar region of mineral exploration, where the Company was installed Valley of the River Candy; beyond perpetual the unfinished Transamaznica highway. The military government also initiated> Ocupar not to deliver, stimulating the setting of colonists in some regions as then the territory of Rondnia, throughout the Transamaznica and of the Belm-Brasilia highway; the first access saw terrestrial of the Brazilian territory for the city that was called Vestibule of the Amaznia.
By the way, the construction of Belm-Brasilia made the population of the paraense capital to triple in few years. The politics of the military showed disastrous in some aspects. The ambient impact of the hydroelectric plant of Tucuru, for example, provoked a malaria epidemic around, beyond banishing the fauna and flora in the 2,875 km. This because only 10% of the bush had been removed and had the remanejamento of only 1% of the animal population that lived in the place. How much to the project of settling of the highways, it finished leaving much people in situation of extreme poverty, because of the lack of more effective governmental support. The Sudam finished after being extinct in a 2001 series of> ADA.
In August of 2003 president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, recriou the Supervision of Development of the Amaznia SUDAM, in the year of implantation of the SUDAM, the Agency of Development was extinct. Although the efforts of the federal government, the difficulties of protection of the sovereignty in the border north of the country still persist and the necessities of the Amazonian population are relegated as the plain one; already it is hour to attempt against for this problematic one respecting the space and the traditions of the people. REFERENCES GADELHA, Regina Fonseca Maria. Conquest and Occupation of the Amaznia: The border North of Brazil. Advanced studies, So Paulo, v. 16, N. 45, 2002. LOUREIRO, Joo of Jesus Breads. The Amazonian Cultural Question. In: Par. State secretary of Education. Amazonian studies and Problems: Social history e> economic and subjects special. 2 ed. Belm: CEJUP, P. 177-194, 1992. SCHMITZ, Heribert. The Transistion of Itinerante Agriculture in the Amaznia for New Systems. Summaries of II the Brazilian Congress of the Agroecologia. Brazilian magazine of Agroecologia, v. 2, Rio Grande Do Sul, 2007. SON, Meirelles Joo. The native peoples of the Amaznia. In: The gold book of the Amaznia. Ediouro. Rio De Janeiro, 2004. OLIVEIRA, Bernadete Castro, All day is day of indian. In: The Disclosed Amaznia: The embezzlements of the BR-163. CNPQ. Brasilia, 2005. HUNTER, Benedict, History of Par. In: Society and Culture of Par. Publishing company Amaznia, 2005.