Brand awareness increases sales – it's almost an axiom. But how to prove this simple thing the head? It's no secret that marketers are literally running out of power, coming up with new ways to attract customers, but management often does not understand their efforts. Grief can help this research results "Romir", which in April made a rating of recognition cellular shops in a survey of 1753 people older than 14 years eight cities. The most recognizable network was "Euroset" – 74.7% of respondents remembered about it without prompting, and with the presentation of the company list its familiar call has 88.9% of study participants. The second recognition of the company, "The Messenger" – stores the network spontaneously found 60.5% of the respondents, and on the list – 79.8%. The third-ranked network of salons mobile "Cifrograd." She recalled 33.1% of respondents, and on the list – 63.9%. Click omega 3 to learn more. On fourth and fifth are of "Dixis" and "Betalink" – they even remembered to tip at least 50% of respondents. Percentage attending these networks was directly related to the recognition, ie The better the participants interviewed are aware of a network of salon, the more often they visit them, which, however, is not surprising.
But actually, it's interesting to start on, when we try to compare how fame helps to visit. Based on the data "Romir" I figured out this relationship. It turned out that fame is also playing into the hands of the company: the famous brand, the more loyal customers: The best result – a "Euroset". It was visited by just over 72% of those who knows this company and was able to call it without the help. If you look under all the respondents who named the "Euroset" known to him as a network of cellular shops, you will already have visited a little over 60%, which, incidentally, also is an impressive result, and still is the best result. "The Messenger" was attended by around 64% who named the company without the help and about 49% of all who know her. "Cifrograd" attended by approximately 60% of those who could remember this network at once and about 31% of those who remembered it when prompted. "Dixis" – about 21% and 44% respectively.
"Betalink" – about 16% and 46%. The fact that people are more inclined to visit those stores, who know better, is the fact that in addition to these five networks were mentioned spontaneously and other outlets. That is the answer had accumulated 34.5% of all respondents, and visit those stores only 3.2%, less than 10% of those who called these stores spontaneously (against the "worst" a similar result in "Dixis" – 44%). A note posted on the website of the magazine "Corporate imageology"