
Thus the authors affirm that: ' ' Being the knowledge an incomplete and precarious abstraction of the reality, any book is only one form to learn the reality, breaking itself of the vision and the cognitivo process of an author (or authors) in one determined moment. He is as soon as the pupils and professors must consider any book, over all the didactic, that is, as a reference, a resource to be used in the process of I teach-aprendizagem' '. (2004 p.9) Thus, the didactic book is a partial vision of the fact, as any another book; however, any attempt of the imposition of a speech ' ' neutro' ' for the authors, it represents some strategy (even though in approaching or simply to omit a subject), being possible even in the attempt of ' ' neutralidade' ' the reproduction of a dominant speech, in view of that the neutral speech does not exist. We can still understand as M. FOUCAULT (2005) that all speech has an order, and this order represents innumerable causes and interests, many times related with the power. Complementarily, Moreira and Auricchio (2004) add in the quarrel on the partiality of the didactic book, warning that the book also is a vision of the author in one determined moment, and some factors will go to contribute for its opinion at each historical moment, enhancing the main concern in our work, that is analyzes the same of author at different moments, having as landmark the emerso of the sustainable development, that will culminate in our conclusion, of a not-reproduction of the speech of the author and of content of the didactic book in these two moments or each analyzed book. It is important to understand the fragility of the didactic book, that, over all, is not the stowage of absolute truths, and of information always profcuas, that is, has limitations in the book, and that of important and coherent form, it is visualized by the authors: ' ' The didactic book is not the unquestioned expression of the education program. .