The systematization of the data collected for the educators was in agreement (to see 1 and 2 attached; the table and the graphs). Then, after the elaboration of this table with the system of production and the infrastructure, for Cities, transferred it the stage of the elaboration of the graphs, having as evaluation object, the statistics of the production system, thus the graphs had been in accordance with the choice of the team for City. The used substances had been colorful penxses, papers, bristol boards, pencils and paper 40. Tera? Fair 13 -07 -20 Iniciamos this morning with the retaken one of the events of the previous day, then, all had participated saying what it happens in the second fair, thus the Formadora Selma alerted for the production of the daily etnogrfico and story of experiences, that many have difficulties in making. After this moment, had received with music the Flour of Djavan, then the people had said one alone word that identified the reason of many to be there, thus many had said that they were why: I believe the program, I accumulate of knowledge, practical theory and, force of will, curiosity, to know more, love, pleasure, satisfaction the video of Agroflorestao that approached the thematic one of the ground consumed. In this manner Selma attempted against for the activity that would be made, in which if needs to emphasize for the relation of the objectives and the problematizao, as well as the importance of the areas of knowledge to be integrated for the systematization of the project. Then the objectives had been elect, that did not give to finish at this moment, therefore, then more they would be mstica, together with the wheel of dialogues with the palestrantes Oscar Rover and Severino Branches. Then the representatives of the areas of the knowledge, explanaram its following questionings: Languages? knowing that this moment of transistion of the agronegcio for the agroecologia, is not easy.