
When congregating the joined articles we select only the ones that specifically dealt with the syndrome in professionals of the area of the health and the ones that approached a general context of the same one. After that the articles had been analyzed and the information congregated in this work. QUARREL the first studies of the syndrome of Burnout had shown that professional that they have direct contact with other people (area of the health and human beings), where the care occurs of direct form, are acometidos more easily by the Syndrome of Burnout. As Maslach and Leiter (1999) the professions most vulnerable are generally the ones that involve services, treatment or education. As Souza and Silva (2002) the syndrome of the Burnout was initially described in 1974 for Freudenberger. The term can be translated as ' ' what it left to function for exhaustion of energia' ' was used for the author estresse to describe it occupational. The syndrome of Burnout is a psicopatologia that affects mainly professional whose work is characterized as aid as in the area of the health and education (MARTINEZ, 1997).

Aggravations for professionals of the health as doctors are the great intensity of emotional interactions, intense conviviality with patients the lack of free time for leisure and vacation. Moreover, it comes occurring a gradual decline of the professional autonomy, reduction of the social status of the profession and the increase of the pressures suffered for the doctors (TUCUNDUVA, et al., 2006). The professional hard work or Burnout possesss a clear-cut clinical picture characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of the professional accomplishment (TUCUNDUVA, et al., 2006). The exhaustion is characterized for the fatigue, emotional exhaustion of the individual. Depersonalization is a basic characteristic of the syndrome, that makes with that the professional treats its colleagues and patients without humanizao, as objects.