The objective in a society that still keeps the woman as an oppressed person, structural is this and superstructurally. Simone de Beauvoir, when publishing As the Sex, put short the deep roots of the feminine oppression, analyzing psychological development of the woman and the social conditions become that it mentally ill and submissa to the man. From these new ideas, the movement feminist spread over the world. Sutis had been burnt in the streets; the sexual release became a fact politician; the words of order if had multiplied: ' ' Our body belongs in them! ' ' ' ' Rights to the pleasure! ' ' ' ' The private one also is politician! ' ' ' ' Different, but not different! ' ' The traditional model of the being woman entered in crisis and a new profile started if to sketch. Pressured the ONU it declared 1975 International Year of the Woman, and the decade that if followed up to 1985, Decade of the Woman in the whole world. From 1977, the movement feminist was broken up in diverse trends, some more come back toward the discrimination of the abortion, centered others in the professional isonomy with men.
Many women, after to conquer before busy ranks of work exclusively for the men, had also cheated to assume functions control politics. The crisis of the family makes with that many women exert the paper of head of family, as she occurs, with the many Latin American women, over all poor. The feminism definition as a movement politician of women who fight for the fairness with regard to the men, even so either the definition most recent is not most necessary. The movement feminist in Brazil strict is related to the time of the military dictatorship. Many Brazilian women had participated of the resistance to the dictatorship actively, but the first organized group of feminists appeared in So Paulo, in 1972. To the few, the subject of the feminism started to occupy fruns national of debate. The press feminist gained breath, appearing innumerable periodicals and magazines.
Between 1970 and 1980, the movement of women was centered in the fight for the redemocratizao of the country. In the popular classrooms they had appeared, stimulated for the church catholic, clubs of mothers and associations of the house owners. Other movements, without confessional or partisan bonds, sprout for the country measure, as the Net Woman, in defense of the rights of the woman and the magnifying of the feminine citizenship. The movement feminist currently has as main flags, in Brazil, the combat to the domestic violence, that reaches levels raised in the country, and the combat to the discrimination in the work. Also if of the importance to the sort study and of the contribution, until today one in such a way forgotten, them women in the diverse historical and cultural movements it country. The legalization of the abortion and the adoption of styles of independent life are goals of some groups.