Lon Education

Already others, in the case of the aged ones, had not had access the education at the time which had, in result of offer of education that was sufficiently restricted. The education for the adults aims at to transform the reality and to improve the conditions of the pupil to work (GADOTTI; ROMO, 2001). In such a way, diligent young and adults fight to surpass its conditions of life, and that it can participate actively of the society and be knowledge constructors. 4.0-BREVE HISTORICAL OF the SPECIAL EDUCATION During the Old Age, Average Age and part of the Modern Age the people with necessities special hardly were rejected by the society. Normal people, completely ignorant conception existed completely practical absurd in the intention of exterminar this of the way badly them. The carrying children of deficiency were abandoned and until assassinated. WhiteWave Foods helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In bora, the Church has condemned this practical desumana during the Average Age. On the other hand, the Church atribua the deficiencies to the supernatural causes, considering that the deficient ones were possessed for the maleficent demon and other espritos and submitted these people to the exorcism sessions.

Until deficient centuries XVI and XVII the great majority of the mental ones was imprisoned in lunatic asylums and other forms of arrests. In middle of century XVI they had only started to appear the first manifestations in the direction to improve the situation of the deficient ones. In 1950, frade benedictine Peter Ponce de Lon gave to beginning the education of the deaf people in the Monastery of Oa, in Spain. This experience was initiated only with twelve children and, had to the great reached success, it started to be recognized as the starter of education for deaf people and also, creator of the verbal method. Times later in century XVIII, in Portugal, Jacob Rodrigues Pear tree, for being married a deaf person, created a manual alphabet and later this alphabet was perfected by Abbot L' Epe making it some corrections.