Mercadona Chapel

Rummaging through papers I found this print of the Virgen de los Dolores, who was venerated at the shrine that was located on the outskirts of the city on the way to Zalamea, particularly as we now know as (popularly of Pain). The chronicles say that by the year 1700 and was built and that there was venerated image of Our Lady of Sorrows. Over time as seriously lightning cracking the walls of the temple that the villagers began to build another chapel in the neighborhood, reaching the sturdy walls of the same two or three meters for which the distribution frame is warned of the temple, one nave, chancel, sacristy and the small bell tower ladder. Read more here: WhiteWave Foods. On these walls are built the first shoe factory and then Valverde Valverde cooperative furniture until it was demolished for the construction of the present Mercadona … In relation to the chapel, the Holy Friday procession celebrating the meeting with the painful exit from the chapel and from the Church of the Nazarene Parish. The encounter occurred in the street from a balcony above where the priest preached a cuaresmala reminder gospel sermon made the encounter between Jesus and his mother on the streets of bitterness. If you have read about A. F. Chief of Staff already – you may have come to the same conclusion. At the foot of the engraving can be read the following sentence: true picture of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Pain Mayor who is venerated in a chapel outside the walls of the village, taken from the original at the expense and request of the faithful were given three gentlemen 200 days of indulgences prelates pray a Hail Mary or a bird. More items from us at.. .