Middle Empire Memphite Theology

Although all the Egyptian sculptures offer a hallmark of his art and a certain uniformity of style,they differ from other groups, according to the period of prints history that belongs to the following:
The sculpture of the Old Empire is in hieratic representations of gods and pharaohs, but the courtiers is canvas natural, and is distinguished by the majesty and realism that the human figure to print, copying fairly factions perfection of the character and the scenes of his life are in the temples and tombs. Among the best models highlights the wooden statue of a character called vulgarly Beled-el-Sheikh paintings or the mayor, dating from Dynasty V (XXIV century BC)
In the Middle Empire Memphite Theology continues the tradition but with more realism, giving the Pharaohs a gentle, slightly lengthening the figures.
The Empire New Era is the aggrandizement of the country’s political and multiply in the statues and shape some of colossal size, attached to the temples, representing the Pharaoh who was involved. All carried in his hand a roll, a fragelo, or a scepter, and so on. It also introduces the dromas or processional avenues with sphinxes and commemorate the military prowess and religious carvings in bas relief on the walls and pylons of the temples. The statues, however, they can return to realistic and be subject to fees, to buy back the typical expression hieratic.
The Late period (from mid-seventh century BC) resulted in an extremely realistic reaction, extending painting over the figures and to refine and refine the technique of sculpture, although the preferred material for illustration this, at times, it was basalt and other rocks hard. Abandonment is the size of giants in this era. It is populated effigies of the temples and the increase in bronze sculpture. Belong to the same time most of the bronze mythological stored in museums.
The Greek influence is painter already present in the period Saito, intensified during the Hellenistic period in Egypt and the Roman epoch of landscapes giving more sweetness and corrections to the statues while many continued sculpting with the typical expression hieratic and from school neo-Memphite Theology, are cold and rigid to copy one another without direct reference to the natural as in the past.
In all the times were recorded for numerous labels gemstones, necklaces, painters or amulets, they mainly appear in the gods, abstract and giclee hieroglyphic texts. The most common are escarabeos (beetles with shell carved in relief and a hieroglyphic text engraved on the bottom). The cameos in relief with figures in the time and are all Ptolemaida Hellenistic undoubtedly carved in Alexandria.