Russian Floor

Before you buckle your hands is the surface of the concrete slab is cleaned of dust and dirt. Ideal to clean concrete impossible, so then primed surface binders. Primed surface provides good shvatyvaemost with screed. It is important for either sex, but especially for ceramic tile. If buckle under the tile poorly grasped with the cooking surface, then walking on a tile will be heard the characteristic sound of, and eventually the floor will be uneven and the tiles will start to detach from the base and “fly.” In Russia traditionally buckle made of dry concrete mixtures. Since the mixture of concrete and sand in any proportion – not a very durable material, then it is added adhesives. Before the screed will be laid floor covering, it must dry. An experienced master of the construction firm will always be able to pinpoint the degree of humidity tie, I will only note that the average time needed to dry – 45 days.

After this, the screed is applied waterproofing cover, and on top – moisture-resistant sheet of plywood, 12 mm thick. Plywood does not interfere, under any cover, but it is especially necessary for flooring, or high humidity (water leak or just a few days of early autumn, when is wet weather and central heating is not included) can destroy the most beautiful and expensive hardwood floor. In the European technology for the manufacture of cable ties are special self-leveling mix – so called self-leveling floors. Under these mixtures for additional noise and heat insulation are often put a layer of styrofoam, and for extra waterproofing on top plank polymer film. This floor dries much faster common ties (approximately 10-15 days).

Directly to the self-leveling floor can be laid tile, laminate and carpeting. To lay the same parquet necessarily need a layer of plywood. In addition, the bulk layer has a floor very small thickness (25 mm.), which is especially useful in homes with low ceilings.