Lack also in the quarter Popular Garden of integration and the will politics of the representatives, corporativismo, lack of resources, lacks even of culture that absorbs the participativo method of the population, and difficulty in the work to interdisciplinar Valley to also cite that in the quarter Popular Garden great part is not tarred, what also contributes for the consuming of the ground, and at these times of rains the trend is that the alone nothing more it absorbs and with this all the water of rain that to fall runs for the surface. Since until the had moment a great part of the quarter Popular Garden meets without asphalt, a society must assume its role, and try to preserve the damaged areas, in simple ways, but that with certainty it will have yes great result, therefore an erosion for simpler than either destroys the ground, thus finishing with the image it quarter where the majority of the quatromarquense population inhabits. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES? RABBIT, Maria Ceclia Nunes; Ambient impacts in Areas Urban. ; River of Janeiro2000. LEPSCH, I.F.Formao and conservation of ground. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts 2002.p.36-49? MONIZ.A.C (COORD) Elements of pedologia.
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