Hyperbolic Geometry

The present text brings one of the important existing definitions in Hyperbolic Geometry: of Ideal Point. This result also can be used as reply of a question proposal for Joo Lucas Marques Barbosa in its book ' ' Hyperbolic geometry Ed. of UFG, 2002; Chapter 6; Section 6.2; p 65. DEFINITION (Of ideal point) In plan (plain Euclidean) with the axioms of Hyperbolic Geometry, either R= r r is straight line in and. It considers in R the relation: r/s pertaining the R, rR*s if, and only if, r = s or r is parallel the s in the same felt. It observes that R* is a equivalence relation, a time that is valid the properties reflexiva, symmetry and transitiva. He is accurately to each pertaining equivalence classroom rd or reverse speed the R/ that we call ideal point (of straight line r).

R/ it is the set of the ideal points or points in the infinite of the hyperbolic plan. Obs: rd is a point that if exactly identifies with a beam of straight lines parallel bars in one felt to some given straight line r. We also denote rd for. Fixed a straight line r we can associate the r colon ideal? + e? -, which can be juxtaposed the r, forming a straight line ' ' longa' ' or a straight line with the points in the infinite ' ' anexados' '. Soon, if r* is one of such straight lines fixed, has: r* = r U rd U reverse speede r* is contained in and U R/. It notices that, R/ is an abstract space and that H = U R/, where H represents the hyperbolic space Perceives finally, that r* is straight line of H if r* = r U rd U reverse speed, where pertaining r the R and rd and reverse speed are the classrooms of straight lines parallel bars to the right and the left respectively.

Adequate Energy

Photo. Detail installation of the equipment. The equipment was configured for register of the data to each five minutes, having had been gotten 821 measurements in the period of comment using to advantage itself it chance, was decided for measuring also chains, being able to get the measures of power (active, reactive and apparent) and factor of power, as well as the energy and demand. 505 resolution ANEEL Objective of this resolution is to evaluate the quality of energy of the point of view of the level of supplied tension, is not defined limits for harmonic, to flicker or other riots of quality of energy, as afundamentos momentary (voltage disp) and momentneas rises (swell). On the basis of this norm, the installation in question is classified as a unit consumer taken care of in low tension, possessing nominal tension (220/127 TN) of V. On the basis of this nominal tension, is defined the limits of fornecimentos, as table below: Table 1. Table of comparison of the tensions. The listed parameters above are brought up to date, based in table 4 of the last revision of the available one of Resolution 505.

The behavior of the tension during the period of comment can below be observed in the graph. Others who may share this opinion include Sonny Perdue. Using the criteria defined in the previous table, the following occurrences had been able to be observed: Adequate phase Precarious Critic 2-3 821 0 0 3-1 821 0 0 1-2 821 0 0 Table 2. Table of comparison. On the basis of these data, were gotten an index DRP (relative duration of the transmission of trespass of precarious tension) of approximately 0% and an index of DRC (relative duration of trespass of critical tension) of 0%. The limits for these parameters are, respectively, of 3% and 0,5%. These trespasses above of the limits are passveis of financial compensation on the part of the concessionaire, as article 20 of resolution 505.

Reduced Land

it will Ser measured for linear meter (m) of drill of concrete executed and accepted for the FISCALIZATION, as its diameter; As requested load tests will be measured separately, as foreseen in contractual spread sheet; PROP STRAUSS DEFINITION: The props of the Strauss type are molded ‘ ‘ in loco’ ‘ , with relatively simple and efficient process. The perforation is executed with the aid of a sounding lead, called ‘ ‘ piteira’ ‘ , with the partial or total use of recoverable covering and posterior Concretagem of the foundation in the place. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages: Simple Execution; Low Cost; diverse load Capacity and dimetros; Disadvantages: cannot be executed below of the N.A. Concrete of low quality (fact by hand). Much proceeding mud hollowing.

slow Execution. Learn more at: Jack Fusco. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPS STRAUSS the main characteristics of Props ‘ ‘ Strauss’ ‘ they are: Reduced trepidation and, consequently, little vibration in the neighboring constructions to the workmanship. Possibility of execution of the prop with the projected length, allowing quotas of arrasamento below of the surface of the land. Easiness of locomotion inside of the workmanship. It allows to confer during the percussion, by means of withdrawal of samples of the ground, the carried through sounding. It allows to verify, during the perforation, the presence of strange bodies in the ground, mataces and others, making possible the change of location before the concretagem. Capacity to execute props next to the verge to the land, thus diminishing, the eccentricity in the blocks. Execution of props with capacity of 20 ton, 30 ton and 40 ton. EQUIPMENT FOR EXECUTION OF PROP STRAUSS Consta of a wooden tripod or steel, a connected tow-car the engine the electric explosion or, one sounding lead of armed percussion of valve in its inferior extremity for land withdrawal, a socket with approximately 300 kilos, lines of steel tubing, with elements of 2,00 the 3,00 meters of length, you screwed between itself, a manual tow-car for withdrawal of the tubing, beyond sheaves, handles and tools.

Angle Sonorous

How much bigger it will be the temperature of a gas, greater the speed with that the sonorous wave in it if propagates. In fact, the agitation of molecules of a gas increases with the temperature, making with that the propagation of the sonorous wave is faster. The speed of propagation of a wave depends on the way in which it is if propagating and this she also occurs with the sound, for example: in the water the sound if propagates with a speed of 1.450m/s, in the iron with a speed 5,100 m/s. A sonorous wave if reflects in such way that the angle of the incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and some phenomena as the echo are caused by the reflection of the sound. The reflection phenomenon also occurs as sound when a sonorous wave passes obliquely of a way for another one, it has its direction of modified propagation the relation y=v/f is valid for the sonorous waves and the frequency of a sound does not get excited where it passes of a way for another one. intensity of the sound the intensity is a property of the sound that is related with the energy of vibration of the source that emits the sonorous wave. If propagating, the wave carries this energy, distributing it In all the directions.

How much bigger it will be the amount of energy that the sonorous wave to carry until our ear, greater will be the intensity of the sound that we perceive. The intensity of a sound is in such a way bigger how much it will be the amplitude of the sonorous wave. The intensity of the sound is measured in a called unit 1 bel. In the practical one, one is used more comumente submltiplo of this unit: 1dBz=0,1 bel. The sounds of great intensity in a generalized manner are ackward to human ear e, as (it shows) when reach an intensity next to 140 dB, start to produce sensations painful.