I read an article in clubs, where the author speaks of theology of liberation from a perspective that from my humble point of view this wrong. With all due respect Maria Cecilia Valecillos it deserves, I say that we can do such radical judgments although we have certain criteria of valid judgments from our personal perspective. I don’t think personally that the liberation theology of a failure, though there have been failures and disappointments that we live in past decades. The theology of liberation, is the great contribution made from our reality as Latin American believers, she transcends even to many of its creators or rather sistematizadores, because the true creator of the theology of liberation is the people, the communities. Sad is that the theology of liberation is judged by an author out of the pages of The Economist, visible expression of the economic right. To be able to analyze the reunion with the Church. It is imperative to find us from a real religious epistemology with the concept of Church and ecclesial reunion with that Church. We do not confine ourselves to the reductionism of a right economists who make a bad attempt of theologians. I would like to ask Maria Cecilia Valecillos if today the liberation theology can catalog failure when so many people died and are dying for this option for the poor that has led to the total delivery on the other with the other? The theology of liberation is more than theologians of liberation and their religions. Then I would say, that the effort of many people in our own country that we have remained faithful to our principles and liberating values and firm and we have fully identified with the ideals of this revolution, not worthwhile because the guys economist, the Chicago and Boston Boys, or circles of intellectuals of right decide to make a call to reunite with an image or fantasy of Churchthat they have been built since its economic tenets.