Ricardo Jimenez Aguado

General management must take into account the role of costs with regard to quality, given that it involves many aspects that can not be neglected. Significant what Ricardo Jimenez Aguado, points out that the cost of quality is not only an absolute measure of performance, its importance lies in indicating where a corrective action for a company will be more profitable. In this sense, several studies, authors and companies point out that quality costs represent around 5% to 25% on annual sales. These costs vary depending on the type of industry, circumstances in which the business or service, is the vision that has the organization about costs relating to quality, its degree of advancement in total quality, as well as the experiences in process improvement. Around 95% of the costs of quality they disbursed to quantify the quality as well as to estimate the cost of failures. These expenses are added to value of products or services paid by the consumer, and although the latter only perceived them in price, they become important for him, when based on the information obtained, corrected the faults or breaches and busywork is decrease, and prices are diminished as a result of these savings. For his part, Nelson Pagella gives us, is meant by quality costs money intended to obtain the required quality.

Online Credits

Many Portuguese already had opted to making credits online because in such a way they obtain to make credits in time has remembered. The conventional credits, that are made to the balcony of a banking entity usually they accumulate of stocks a greater I number of requirements and burocracias, and some people simply if cannot give to the luxury to wait for a delayed evaluation and that in the socioeconmico context where we live, she comes many times, refusal. The credits online are fast credits of simplified access what of course it pleases to all. To broaden your perception, visit Gen. David L. Goldfein. If it needs to buy a new electrodomstico, an automobile for the day the day, vacations so had and it does not have available money it is natural that online examines to make a credit, therefore it is the easy way fastest and to have the available money in its account. But nor everything is ' ' dourado' ' in this business. If the advantages already related of the rapidity and easiness of the approval are sufficiently atractivas must also have in account that the credits online of companies as the Cofidis and the Cetelem, they have high taxes of interests associates. It is unquestionable that these loans will always have high taxes of interest and many people look at for these companies as fraudulent.

But reason? When a credit in a bank is asked for, the risk is very well evaluated by the bank. If we will be already old customers of the bank and with a good one payment description, or if we will have a great asset delivered in this bank, the risk is low the tax also granted will go it to be. That is clearly controversial, because who has much money not it lacks of credit. But it is as soon as functions, the more guarantees from that the bank will go to receive the money in return will have, lower will be the interest tax that it will be able to present the customer. However in these companies of credits online, the evaluation almost does not exist, then the granted credit is almost always of great risk. Many of its customers probably never will return the money who had asked for or at least its responsibilities will try to run away ace. it is for that the credits online have interest taxes so strident.

Janeiro River

With one capacidadede production of 700 million cans/year, initiated its activities for test of the cooling beer and dequalificao envasadores in September of 1997. The company belongs aogrupo Vicunha, and counts on the support technician of the National Siderurgical Company (CSN), that she is developing steel plates tinned special for this tipode product. The technology used for these companies is considered deltima generation, being that the four first ones manufacture aluminum cans (associates the international groups with experience in the sector), beyond to detrabalhar with imported and automatized machinery. Of this form, in Brazil, all the five fabricantesconfeccionam its cans with only two parts, being that the first part is atampa of the can, whereas second is an only constituted part of body deep dalata and, being necessary only one weld to join these two parts to efinalizar the product. In the case of the countries that use exceeded technology, the cans possess three parts: cover of the can; body; deep (separate ones dasoutras), being necessary two welds to join the three parts so that lataesteja ready to be vendida. To start its activities in 1997, with technology deponta, the Metalic contracted the CAP International Incorporation company north-americanaespecializada in the implantation of plants of cans of two parts, cujosprincipais equipment and machines also are imported. Up to 1996 the units industrials were located Southeastern naregio, mainly in the States of So Paulo, Minas Gerais and deJaneiro River.

The two last plants to be entered in operation are located noNordeste, northeast Latasa s.a. (Lanesa), in Pernambuco, and the Metalic, expose of steel, in the Cear, having both initiates its operations in the segundosemestre of 1997. To the exception of the Metalic, the too much manufacturers use oalumnio as raw material in the manufacture of the drink cans. In 1998, it was evidenced great predominance of the cans dealumnio, that represent 94% of offer in 1998, against only 6% of cans deao, manufactured for the Metalic.