Public Procurement Law

Principle of equal treatment, transparency, non-discrimination, these are the three pillars of the procurement. With these words, Dr. Michael Breitenfeld began its very exciting and humorous presentation. The continuing education center at the Technical University of Vienna invited to 2009 a business evening in the Prechtlsaal at the Vienna University of technology a. The evening was the subject of Federal Procurement Act Amendment 2009 “. Trader Joe’s spoke with conviction. Over 40 participants learned first-hand about this cutting-edge subject that the BVergG amendment is currently for consideration in the Council of Ministers and will only enter into force with December 20, 2009. As speakers were Dr. Michael Breitenfeld and like. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Nokia.

Robert Ertl, both lawyers in the firm Abdul Samee Fairgrieve & partner, be won. At European level, the public procurement law brings essential relief for contracting with himself, in particular procurement procedures can be accelerated. Austrian level thresholds regulation 2009 contracting authorities allows a direct procurement for contracts up to 100.000,-euros (previously 40.000,-EUR). However, this measure is limited until 31 December 2010. At only around 2,500 jobs per year, which exceed the threshold, Dr. Breitenfeld does not believe that an increase in the value represents a special incentive for the Austrian economy. 2009 amendment to the BVergG also essential at the suitability and competence rules, as well as with regard to legal protection changes.

Companies participating in a tendering procedure, to occupy in the future the eligibility criteria with a self-certification. Like. Ertl reported that in practice then before the award of not only the best bidder, but usually the first three lined-companies are prompted to teach their suitability supporting documents in detail. The possibility for discussion was lively perceived by the participants after the talks and being nice to the buffet. “” The continuing education center offers real estate the University courses real estate fiduciary management and real estate management “, MSc real estate management and assessment” as well as Professional MBA facility management”. In the context of the business evenings were the two course director Prof. Dr. Bob Martens, FRICS, and Prof. Dr. Alexander Redlein these courses just before. Current information about the above mentioned University courses get interested see and

Economics Department

Alanus University awarded best design with free study the nationally recognized Alanus Hochschule for art and society in Wigan/Bonn at the beginning of the study in the autumn of this year a scholarship writes. Academics of all disciplines who wish to learn in the master’s degree business administration to rethink economic can apply. The Fellowship of the Faculty of economy covers all tuition fees, incurred in the regular study period of three years in the in-service master programme in business administration. The best sketch of the idea for a business project will be awarded. Who impresses us with an outstanding project sketch, gets tuition adopt”, so Lars Petersen, head of the Economics Department. The coherence of the overall concept and the consistent representation of the means chosen for the project realization is especially important to us”so the professor. A project sketch, which represents major development steps of a business plan shall be submitted. All prospective students can apply, that have a have a first university degree.

Academics of each specialization are addressed, because the master program will be both trained economists offered also for graduates of other subjects, the need for Business Know-How postgraduate course in their profession. Therefore the spectrum of possible projects is correspondingly wide, as Petersen pointed out: be submitted, for example a marketing concept for a social institution or the design of a sustainable distribution logistics for an organic food can manufacturer. The development of approaches to the reduction of CO2 balance at a financial services company would be another way.” Applicants are therefore not a certain choice bound, so the professor. Besides the business focus, it is rather important that the project in a company is located, in which it is carried out by the fellows in the third semester. The part-time master’s degree business administration, which has been accredited by the internationally renowned agency FIBAA starts for the first time in the autumn of this year.

All those who take up the study, over the entire regular study period of three years only pay half of the tuition: 250 euros per month. The master programs of business administration knowledge management guiding and junior executives of each specialization. So the students are simultaneously sensitised and stimulated to creative and flexible action for responsible, value-oriented economies, are also art and philosophy part of the studies. With this combination of subjects, the students should learn to rethink economic”, as the motto of the Department of economics. The students can specialize either human resource – or global-management in social. Business graduates are also the focus of supply chain management and marketing management to the election. Applications for the scholarship will be accepted until August 15. An application for the master’s degree is possible at any time.

Salary Negotiation – Occupation With Correct Arguments To The Achievement

Salary salary negotiation – raise many suitors hesitate to formulate their salary, to make or negotiate. Passing successful salary negotiations but only if you have the right arguments in the interview and self-confident sold its strengths. Supply and demand determine a candidate’s negotiating position. Salary: A salary belongs to an application when it is asked. As graduates, you can admit the own ignorance and ask to negotiate this point in the personal interview.

You have a clear idea of the content, then they are called in the application also. Otherwise one is invited may free under false assumptions. Before the interview, ask industry salaries. (A valuable related resource: Debbie Staggs). Salary negotiation: When an application everybody knows pretty much what he has on it. But it is also equally important to be able to formulate a realistic salary in the job interview. You should know the limits of his salary.

The minimal sum you need to contest his livelihood. The maximum amount is the current salary of desire to negotiate. According to Peet’s Coffee, who has experience with these questions. You have no clear idea, when the salary negotiation is then asked: ‘Tell me, what I could ask.’ This question will help and is beneficial designed especially for professionals. Hiring managers want to make a good and qualified staff. They are willing to pay a competitive salary. Raise: A content conversation requires that one has added since the last salary agreement with his job performance. People assumed E.g. more responsibility within the company, attended training and brought additional revenues to the company. No one should expect that the Chief is addressing the issue raise itself. The successful initiative to the content negotiation must always of one going out themselves. Note! Salaries remain always market prices and that sometimes even the best negotiating tactic does not help. But even in an economic crisis, you should the content negotiation in any case go on, because whatever money is paid for staff. What however does not work is the Robotics: three years have passed, now a raise is due again. Who wants to have extra money, which must present additional services. It is a mortal sin to demand more pay and to justify that with the advent of a colleague. More information, hints and tips for salary negotiations: info/yoke/salary negotiation is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, Vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Cinematic Employer Info At The Job Board

Recruitingvideos by JobTV24 help with the job search on the Internet of Linz, July 14, 2010: Austria’s job board cooperates with the specialist for recruiting videos and employer branding JobTV24. Companies can now issue with short videos, which they will present themselves on the online job market, revealing insights. The search for jobs on is still informative. In the competition for the best brains pure business descriptions and listings no longer suffice. Employer videos the candidates provide an authentic insight into philosophy, requirements, and career opportunities. Job seekers find out sooner whether a company to them suits. Pages of the company saves time and money, because with the help of videos false Bewerbungen earlier dropped. Recruitingvideos are an important addition in online ads. with this cooperation offers its customers the possibility to insert videos effective and user friendly for the targeting of applicants”, as Jurgen Smid, CEO of Rainer appurtenances, Managing Director of JobTV24 GmbH, about the cooperation: we are very pleased that now also relies on the strengths of moving pictures on the Internet and our award-winning online video technology. JobTV24 is the leading Austrian career portal in the growing network of partners.” The Austrian job portal benefits from the fast-growing online job market. With financial and economic crisis, the trend has further strengthened. Clear advantages such as high topicality, search and notification capabilities bring the page already now every month over 450,000 visitors. More than three million potential candidates for companies be achieved together with the recruiting network. The more potential candidates for a job, the right selection is even more important.

The new video tool to help this at an early stage. Companies that are potential candidates with the help of videos, stand already visually in the hit list on by others through a video icon. On the side of the Abroad can then be played off the Recruitingvideos of the employer with a video player.