Lon Education

Already others, in the case of the aged ones, had not had access the education at the time which had, in result of offer of education that was sufficiently restricted. The education for the adults aims at to transform the reality and to improve the conditions of the pupil to work (GADOTTI; ROMO, 2001). In such a way, diligent young and adults fight to surpass its conditions of life, and that it can participate actively of the society and be knowledge constructors. 4.0-BREVE HISTORICAL OF the SPECIAL EDUCATION During the Old Age, Average Age and part of the Modern Age the people with necessities special hardly were rejected by the society. Normal people, completely ignorant conception existed completely practical absurd in the intention of exterminar this of the way badly them. The carrying children of deficiency were abandoned and until assassinated. WhiteWave Foods helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In bora, the Church has condemned this practical desumana during the Average Age. On the other hand, the Church atribua the deficiencies to the supernatural causes, considering that the deficient ones were possessed for the maleficent demon and other espritos and submitted these people to the exorcism sessions.

Until deficient centuries XVI and XVII the great majority of the mental ones was imprisoned in lunatic asylums and other forms of arrests. In middle of century XVI they had only started to appear the first manifestations in the direction to improve the situation of the deficient ones. In 1950, frade benedictine Peter Ponce de Lon gave to beginning the education of the deaf people in the Monastery of Oa, in Spain. This experience was initiated only with twelve children and, had to the great reached success, it started to be recognized as the starter of education for deaf people and also, creator of the verbal method. Times later in century XVIII, in Portugal, Jacob Rodrigues Pear tree, for being married a deaf person, created a manual alphabet and later this alphabet was perfected by Abbot L' Epe making it some corrections.

The Parents

The pupils, the parents, the professors and the directors who are actively involved in the daily work to include pupils with important deficiencies, represent a powerful cultural force for the renewal of escola’ ‘ (STAIN BACK, 1999, P. 49 apud HISSES, 2008, P. 26). According to text presents, the work in team is basic ‘ ‘ so that the process of inclusion of special pupils if efetive’ ‘ (It hisses, 2008, P. 26). From there the importance to carry through qualification courses that benefit to the learning of all the pupils. However, art.

18 of the law n 10,09 vicutada previously, ‘ ‘ sociais’ guarantees the responsibility of the public power on the rights of each citizen to the free access in the spaces; ‘ (BLACKSMITH, 2008, P. 45). When the professor it starts to understand the necessity of a qualification adjusted for the teach-learning of special pupils, as the deaf people, it goes in search of this perfectioning, either through recycling course, or adjusting the lesson plan the new pertaining to school reality (IT HISSES, 2008). The professors also must help by means of its personal experiences, looking for to be interested itself for what they call ‘ ‘ diferente’ ‘ , of form that the teach-learning involves to all: pupils and professors, making the possible one so that deficient the auditory one if feels as integrant part of the classroom. However, if he does not have to forget that the professor presents resistncias in its certainties how much to the educative changes in the context of the inclusion. The way to cover must be to suppress the difficulties in materialize a new model of education that satisfies the necessity of all (IT HISSES, 2008).

The Answer

Exchange of ideas through language, in this case. And in our case, we consider any communication: verbal in person or by telephone, written as letters, faxes, e-mail or mobile messaging. Berkley is actively involved in the matter. I note: if you are able to communicate verbally, "written speech" does not make such a great work (here only to work with the spelling – spelling and punctuation – the correct placement of punctuation marks). After all, if you can respond quickly to the words in ordinary conversation to a replica or questions interlocutor, the "slower speech" – letters and so forth – when you have time to think about the answer, the more it is possible. So, let's see which way a language is the most effective. To begin, recall how we learn their native language. Where did you get started? How is your way to mastering the native language? When you are just starting to take its first steps in this life, then before you got the problem, how to understand what you say, how to convey their ideas to other people.

Of course, at first it was just sounds that attract the attention of adults. Then you begin to use gestures such as pointing to the object with which you associate your wish. Parents you began to speak words, naming objects for which you have stated, referring to action by you or them. Seeing a bird, mama told you that this "bird", pointing to her arm and repeating it several times word. By observing real objects, you have heard words of designating these items, then tried to utter those words.

Learn Language

Continuing to question the occurrence of certain issues which have given foreign language study. We very much want you to not despair and realize that is not really as bad as you think. By the way, in addition to these problems in the first part of this article, psychologists can identify other problems. For example, one of which – it is the internal resistance of man, and the problem may be quite different – purely psychological direction. Someone studying the language because he was bored, or an attempt to escape from some external problems, it happens that someone just forced to learn a foreign language in the form of professional duties with the motivation "and then fired, in this case, where to go from mandatory, even forced to learn a foreign language. In this case, a normal human response – the internal resistance, and language learning requires the active participation in this far an easy process. And sometimes even blatant cases, the person feels that his contribution to the study of foreign language – it's only payment is a teacher – and all. Type I paid – and you here that you want, and do – but I must know this language, and I'm like, I will do other things. However, if the teacher begins to "run around and bother and pick up this customer required" key ", even in this" difficult "case, it will be possible to achieve some success! As they say – important to choose the right technique and is very important in this case – schedule of classes.