Summary An Inconvenient Truth

In 2006 it launched An Inconvenient Truth (an Inconvenient Truth). A set of documents that approaches the heating global, and the climatic changes for the world. Devoting itself winning of the Set of documents Oscar better in the year of 2007.

Al Gore is an ecological activista that wrote two books: The land in rocking (Ecology and the Human Spirit? 1993) and an Inconvenient Truth? 2006. In 2007 it still received the Prize Nobel from the Peace, receiving in the same year the Prize Prince of woollen Asturias Concord. 3-SUMMARY OF the WORKMANSHIP: The set of documents brings a vision of the current condition of the planet where Al author Gore displays of form clear and based on statisticians the real situation of the layer atmospheric, or better, of the proper planet land. The author goes alternating situations of its proper life amongst them the accident suffered for its son when this had only 06 years, this accident that almost vitimou its son stimulated it to travel and to understand the problems suffered for the land better. Also displaying the problems climatic of some countries as Argentina, Italy and Imalaia, the documentary one calls the attention for the fact from that 40% of the people in the world receive drinking waters of the systems rivers and sources that are fed for more than the half of the melting of glaciers, and inside of 40 years these people will face water scarcity. Al Gore affirms that the social evolution as well as the population growth of certain form contributes for the occured climatic changes in the whole world, bringing through the set of documents a statistics of that in 50 years the population increased of 2,3 billion (1945) for 6,4 billion (2005) and the forecast for the year of 2050 is of 9,1 billion.


What will be the summer of 2011 in Russia and Europe. Withdrawal of the vulture eggs – a dubious measure of the Red Bird? Climate News: The Arctic is melting and poisoned by mercury. News 'green' technology: the share of renewable energy continues to increase. In the world of animals: cats – the main threat for urban birds. Science News: Biologists have discovered a third pair of wings of insects. Secretary of Agriculture might disagree with that approach.

Our food: fish liver contains essential fatty acids. Dates Week Day Goose in the Kostroma region. News of the legislation, and ministries: the inspection should be a test of ecological car. PHOTO of the week: 'Types of the Earth with the ISS. " Review of the week from 05.02.2011 to 08.05.2011. What will be the summer of 2011 in Russia and Natural anomalies Europe this spring give reason to think about the upcoming summer weather.

May snowfall in Poland, the devastating storm in the U.S., floods in Thailand, and heat waves in Italy. Is restless and will in the summer of 2011? The answer to this question is best known weather forecasters and meteorologists. Check out Shenkman Capital for additional information. The head of Hydromet Alexander Frolov said last week that the upcoming summer in Russia will not be as hot and dry as summer 2010 year, and the warmest month is July. May this year will be slightly cooler climate norms, the heat wave is expected. Do not wait for weather forecasters and a hot June. Peak heat will occur in July. Heat and moisture deficit is expected to be part of Siberia – Novosibirsk region, south of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk region, Trans-Baikal region.

Natural Resources

On Saturday morning it was reported on 12 thousand 876 dead, 14 000 865 missing and 645 injured 4000. Recall that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami were the most horrific in its disastrous consequences for the last 88 years. As will be offset by cutting Khimki forest? Last week, the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources said that instead of 100 hectares of forest array, felled for the construction of a highway "Moscow – St. Petersburg ', will be planted to seven times more forest – 700 acres – in Moscow. An appropriate program of compensatory plantings prepared Ministry of Natural Resources in cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation and the City of Moscow. It is planned that will be planted 700 hectares of forest, which fully compensates for the felling of the forest in Khimki (100 acres) and create the necessary balance of nature in the region. New forests appear in the north of Moscow, will also be expanded to the National Park 'Elk Island'.

A FFA proposes that compensatory planting of forest Khimki, just landed in Khimki and around an area 236 hectares of 99 000 trees and shrubs. In addition to Khimki FFA proposes to plant 12 000 trees and shrubs on 10 acres in Krasnogorsk, for 129 acres in Chekhov and on 310 acres in Orekhovo-Zuevo forestry. At the same time Office finds that in addition to planting the trees, it makes sense to pursue other compensatory measures, for example, to eliminate illegal dumps. Now FFA is looking for land for compensatory planting in accordance with the decision of the governmental commission on December 14, 2010. While the area of deforestation of 145 hectares, compensatory planting should be conducted on an area of 500 hectares. And so time, environmentalists are unhappy with the tightening of the final decision on compensation for Khimki forest plantations: they indicate that the 'landing of the little square' is no substitute for forest, and suspect the presence in the project corruption component.

According to them, FFA just can not find a suitable place for such a large project, and suggested instead to plant some groups of trees around the Moscow area. Environmentalists point out that compensation for losses for the residents of Khimki is impossible. Lands, which allow a return of the lost Khimki forest area larger forest within a radius of at least 20 miles – not, say environmentalists. At the same time small plots of forest or parks will not allow the same environmental benefits as a large timber, and remote forest will not be available for one million inhabitants of the northern suburbs, refine environmental experts.

Academy Stars

Zeldovich was to reach 1094 g/cm3. For comparison, the highest temperature in the interior of stars is estimated about 108K and the highest density of matter in the interior of neutron stars reach gsm3 1015. It is true that in October 2010 year, was first discovered super-heavy neutron star the size of which "do not exceed the size of a small town, but the matter density is 10-15 times higher than the density of the atomic nucleus." Since the density of an atomic nucleus is October 14 g/cm3, the density of superheavy stars turned out to be 1.5 x 1015 g/cm3. Be compared with the density required for the birth of the universe. Please visit Symantha Rodriguez if you seek more information. By assumption, one of the followers of the Big Bang theory, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences USSR IS Shklovsky, at a time when the universe was calculated void fraction of a second, it "was a 'drop' sverhyadernoy density, which for some reason, came to an unstable state and exploded." Did not explode, did not explode, and then went and blew up! And this without any outside influence, because in addition to "drop" is nothing no more. And in general do not understand why this substance is not annihilated drop. After all, any elementary particles are always produced in pairs with their opposites, for example, an electron and a positron (anti-electron), but having the opposite charges of the same name and the masses attracted to each other by electrical and and gravitational forces cancel each other out immediately after his birth. .

Cities Society

The cities can be considered an ecosystem since that they possess entered, exchanges and exits of substance and energy, as well as the natural way. The study on the degradation human being/ambient search to argue and to evaluate the study of the cities saw adjacent optics of the desenvolvimentista, the metropolis and its regions, increasing proeminence of concerns with the human being and the urban way. The modernization petitioned in elapsing of the period of industrialization until the age of the technologies of the information, beyond providing to the society well-being, the comfort and the praticidade, also brought it problems of health, hunger, water lack, of energy, between many others. When reaching ample dimensions, the sectors politician, economic and the vehicles of communication of masses cause forts impacts in the cultural values and the institutions of society. An environment objectified for these sectors has demanded transformations of the means of production, of consumption and a new social organization, wants either in the natural destruction, wants either in the search of the support. Result of reflections developed in the exercise of different you discipline, this research points some aspects that guide the current quarrel on the urban partner-ambient degradation. It is treated here, especially, to argue the notion of degradation, the evolution of the question human being and the consequent development of public politics directed toward the solution of the social problems urban and tied with the exercise of the citizenship, as well as a necessity of if searching a vision complex of the urban reality, from a new knowledge of the interaction between society and nature. The public politics that, when being unaware of the sproutings of the processes of popular production for the construction of the cities and the citizenship, constrangem the urban life.

So Paulo

Lack also in the quarter Popular Garden of integration and the will politics of the representatives, corporativismo, lack of resources, lacks even of culture that absorbs the participativo method of the population, and difficulty in the work to interdisciplinar Valley to also cite that in the quarter Popular Garden great part is not tarred, what also contributes for the consuming of the ground, and at these times of rains the trend is that the alone nothing more it absorbs and with this all the water of rain that to fall runs for the surface. Since until the had moment a great part of the quarter Popular Garden meets without asphalt, a society must assume its role, and try to preserve the damaged areas, in simple ways, but that with certainty it will have yes great result, therefore an erosion for simpler than either destroys the ground, thus finishing with the image it quarter where the majority of the quatromarquense population inhabits. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES? RABBIT, Maria Ceclia Nunes; Ambient impacts in Areas Urban. ; River of Janeiro2000. LEPSCH, I.F.Formao and conservation of ground. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts 2002.p.36-49? MONIZ.A.C (COORD) Elements of pedologia.

So Paulo: Scientific books Technician and, 1975.p.11-15,29-44,85-91,169-178. VIEIRA, LS;; VIEIRA N.F.Solos: properties, classification and handling. Brasilia: MEC/ABEAS, 1988.p.53-59. OLIVEIRA, J.B.Pedologia aplicada.2.ed.Pi racicaba: FEALQ, 2005. The PRADO, the Manual of classification of ground of Brasil.2.ed.Ja boticabal: FUNEB, 1995.p.8-10? KIEHL, E.J.Manual of edafologia: relation ground-plant. So Paulo: Ceres, 1979.p.15-29,51-75. MECNICA OF GROUND, Maranha of Snows, E., 2004, AEIST, Lisbon.

Geologic Ingenieria (cap.mec of Rocks Descripcion de Mac, Roc). L, 2002. Resende, M; Curi, N: Rezende, S.B. ; Leather strap, G.F.Pedologia: Base for environment distinction .NEPUT.1995.304P.


Thus the authors affirm that: ' ' Being the knowledge an incomplete and precarious abstraction of the reality, any book is only one form to learn the reality, breaking itself of the vision and the cognitivo process of an author (or authors) in one determined moment. He is as soon as the pupils and professors must consider any book, over all the didactic, that is, as a reference, a resource to be used in the process of I teach-aprendizagem' '. (2004 p.9) Thus, the didactic book is a partial vision of the fact, as any another book; however, any attempt of the imposition of a speech ' ' neutro' ' for the authors, it represents some strategy (even though in approaching or simply to omit a subject), being possible even in the attempt of ' ' neutralidade' ' the reproduction of a dominant speech, in view of that the neutral speech does not exist. We can still understand as M. FOUCAULT (2005) that all speech has an order, and this order represents innumerable causes and interests, many times related with the power. Complementarily, Moreira and Auricchio (2004) add in the quarrel on the partiality of the didactic book, warning that the book also is a vision of the author in one determined moment, and some factors will go to contribute for its opinion at each historical moment, enhancing the main concern in our work, that is analyzes the same of author at different moments, having as landmark the emerso of the sustainable development, that will culminate in our conclusion, of a not-reproduction of the speech of the author and of content of the didactic book in these two moments or each analyzed book. It is important to understand the fragility of the didactic book, that, over all, is not the stowage of absolute truths, and of information always profcuas, that is, has limitations in the book, and that of important and coherent form, it is visualized by the authors: ' ' The didactic book is not the unquestioned expression of the education program. .

Green Dream

We wait to be contributing for the magnifying of the problematic quarrel around ambient in the Land division the Green Dream, until then not argued in academic works, and of the necessity of if preserving the local reality guaranteeing its support. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ambient education, Environment, Ambient Degradation, Urbanization. INTRODUCTION We live a time where the man has modified of sped up and negative form its relation with the nature. In intention to guarantee the survival, as well as getting profits in face of a new partner-economic conjuncture, politics and of an extremely capitalist society, the man passed if to appropriate of the geographic space of irresponsible form, disrespecting the respect and the cares with the environment. In this uninterrupted process, many ambient impacts had been appearing and to each day they are if expanding, bringing disastrous consequences for the proper humanity. Amongst these problems we can cite the disordered urban growth, the ambient pollution, the deforestation, amongst many others that if find interelacionados. This culture of ambient exploration is in this way, coated of an anthropocentric conception where the individuals if appropriate of the natural resources in proper benefit, understanding erroneamente the nature as inexhaustible source of wealth.

The ambient problems are, in this perspective, argued and analyzed in the search of a solution, directed so that the nature ahead continues benefiting the man of its interests. World-wide, it has disastrous evidences of as the individual throughout the centuries transformed the environment causing situations many irreversible times. In if treating to the Brazilian reality specifically, it is excellent to stand out that since the available primrdios of the settling, environment and natural resources it has suffered, for being Brazil a colony of exploration, benefiting the interests of Portugal and a posteriori, of other European countries that had come here in intention to explore our wealth. Amongst these and other facts, are depressing that the concerns around the environment alone have acquired international ratios only from the decade of 1960, when the humanity started to face the exhaustion of the natural resources and to perceive the increase of the pollution generated for the increase of the global population.