The first was a quiet lake. This Lake was a perfect mirror, where some placid mountains that surrounded it were reflected. On these was very blue sky, with wispy white clouds. Everyone who looked at this painting, thought that this reflected the perfect peace. The second painting also had mountains. But these were rugged and bare. On them had a sky furious which fell an impetuous downpour with thunder and lightning. Secretary of Agriculture: the source for more info. Down the mountain It seemed to Rumble a sparkling torrent of water.
All this not be revealed, for nothing, peaceful. But when the King observed carefully, she looked after the waterfall a delicate shrub that grew a crack in the rock. To know more about this subject visit Sonny Perdue. This shrub was a nest. There, amid the roar of the violent fall of water, was sitting placidly a bird in the middle of its nest perfect peace! What do you think that it was the winning painting? Does the King chose the second.? Do you know why? Because, explained the King-, peace does not mean to be in a place without noise, without problems, without hard work or pain. Peace means that despite being in the midst of all these things, we stay calm inside our heart. This is the true meaning of peace.
Source: Author unknown. Publishes my articles: you can publish them where you want if you include the following Ana Cecilia Vera assists people and professionals in the process of change they need to undertake and achieve its objectives from an inner transformation. If you want to create new possibilities in your life, enjoy it to the fullest with success and happiness, visit now to receive more articles and free resources. Original author and source of the article.