Ironies of the Brazilian TV For Fernando Grecco ‘ ‘ Need imagines in possessions/I to wonder if you can/Em will be greed or hunger/A brotherhood of man/Imagines all the people/Sharing all the world ‘ ‘ (Imagines – John Lennon? 1971) It is irrefutable fact that the Brazilian television possesss one of the programmings more banal ridicule and of the whole world. Grotescas, loaded novels by an empty erotismo and without favour, take account of the noble schedule. Periodicals, the example of the National Periodical, of the Net Globe, nothing more are of what spokesmen of the elite, manipulating, modifying, creating notice in agreement solely with its interests of economic order. It is not different with the commercial propagandas. One strong appeal to the previsible mood is something sufficiently aborrecvel to who still withholds certain erudio. However, something that it very exceeded in the limit of the tolerable one was shown in the Net Globe (logically) has few days.
We make reference to reference the new propaganda of the Ita bank, where it shows a series of employees of institution singing, unisonous, the song Imagines, of the master John Lennon. Few televising propagandas had obtained to reach a so salient degree of incoherence as this. The song is a louvor shout the peace, the equality, the fraternity between the men. The letter in suggests a society economically to them joust where the property, the greed, the hunger, the money, the same religion inexists or the borders. Finally, Lennon makes in them to imagine in a radically antagonistic reality to that we are confined. How can a banking institution, representative principle of a barbarous, desumano and atrocious capitalism, to use itself of an anarchic text song to make advertising of its services? Is conceivable a bank, as the Ita, that all trimester surpasses invoicing records, to use that it is very far from its ideology, or, better, that its extension goes of meeting with it in all? The financial institutions are the symbol biggest of the capitalism to dspar that we live deeply. They represent, in its fullness, exactly the opposite of what the song of Lennon indicates in them.
Probably something exists to subliminar in the propaganda of the Ita, a time that the song speaks on a society without money. In fact it is this that the Ita and other banks have sponsored with its excessive interests: a society really without money. Fernando Grecco is contributor of the Leaf of Votorantim.