Third Reich

However, the existing similarities between the government Vargas, in Brazil, and Benito Mussolini, in Italy, had not hindered the relations of the Brazilian government with the allies, mainly with the United States, therefore the relations between U.S.A. and Brazil in the effective conditions were of utmost importance to be disrespected. For example, in January of 1941, although the politics of Vargas to keep neutrality, established North American naval bases in many cities of Brazil: Belm, Amap, Christmas, Recife, beyond the locality of Fernando De Noronha. Valley to point out the strategical importance of the same ones for war allies. At the moment where World War II was unchained, Getlio Dornelles Vargas was the president of Brazil.

It was in the power since 1930, based in the totalitarianism. Between the Brazilians it had sympathetical of Germany and the cause anglian-Frenchman. The United States, then officially neutral, came, however, supporting the effort antinazism. Ships of the American Navy arrived with regularity at the Brazilian ports in patrol mission, to preserve the free navigation of the South Atlantic, an abundant maritime corridor in vital raw materials for warlike industry of the involved countries in the war (DRUMOND, 2008 p.66). Vargas suggested, in the end of 1940, to president Norte-Americano Franklyn Roosevelt, who was mediating between the belligerents, by means of the Soviet threat. In these occasions, the United States were prepared to declare war against the countries of the Axle, with or without attack the Pearl Harbor. In 1939, the conflict continued.

Of this form, Hitler introduced elements of the counterrevolution, finishing with the focos of the proletarian democracy, in the bourgeoisie occidental person. The ways of the war ran away, therefore, of the aspirations of the controllers of Brazil. It did not interest the country with priority, the defense of the democracy, as possible form of development of the capitalism, the New State, revealed more interested with the Third Reich, in the methods to contain the laboring classroom, although to have a commitment firmed with the United States, Vargas alone remained to fight for the neutrality. It consisted the plan of lieutenant-colonel Miller in obtaining of the government Vargas, placing to the disposal of the forces seted of the United States, if necessary, the sea and air bases, together the set of wheels and railroads, in special the ones that served to those regions: radio, telegraph, handles and telephones, as well as plant of electric energy, lodgings, hospitals and warehouses, at last, all the sectors of the Brazilian State. However, it did not obtain the contribution that would like, from there recriminated the Brazilian government, lamenting that nothing he was decided, through its efforts and expectations. Of certain form, the will for the Brazilian government had me exactly. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from music downloads. To that height, an incident conturbou still more.

Journalists Information

Therefore, according to it, the historians if withhold to a proper cientificismo of the historiogrfica methodology, who become texts one how much in such a way heavy and of difficult reading. The journalists through the resource of the narrative, of the hook among others, simplify the interpretation of the reader, visa as a consumer and thus they start to occupy the space of the historians as diffusing of the memory. 3. Consideraes final the force of the media is a reality that cannot be rejected. The last years of century XX had disclosed an important revolution in the field of the information, the Internet and the dynamics of the globalizado market had directly created new realities, that had changed the codes of interpretation of the past and the proper form of reception of the information, affecting the historiogrfico field.

This reality transformed the field historiogrfico, giving to space the immediate information, and the creation and new spaces of interaction and creation of the memory, where the orality loses each time more space in relation the imediatista information produced by the globalizada media. History thus if distance of the great mass and start to be controlled for the journalists who reach the great mass, exactly for its difference of methods in relation the historians. While the historians continue defending its scientific field, they produce texts that each time more limit the access the memory of the past. Already the journalist for the opposite arrives the great population, informing and filling a gap left for the historians. However, the partner-cultural importance is undeniable that the media has played in the society contemporary, making of this an important instrument for the interpretation of the society where the same one is mediating of the information. as mediating must be studied and be analyzed as producing and reproductive of information, what it becomes necessary one better compreendimento of the internal structures of the journalistic field so that this is used in coherent way for the historian as plus a source historical.

Holy Grail Altar

Except for the tip, it was all divided, thin strips into equal segments that are very similar to the grading of modern tubes. Another noteworthy point that the abbot could not explain. If the Holy Grail, was painted, standing on the altar, then Lance – do not lie next, as he was supposed to, and was shown stuck at the base of the altar, tipped up from the tip of which departed the finest bars, similar to the rays. Still, the attention of Beranger, brought the altar. All of his base, was ischercheno incomprehensible lines.

Most likely, by the priest, it was a map of underground tunnels, but a place to which, ultimately, they would lead nowhere mentioned. But what they should lead to something very important, Sauniere had no doubt. Regarding the opening of a friend, Henri Bude made the record 'is hard to imagine what might have happened within these walls really are and what secrets they hold. But it is clear that much of that we are now honored for a single truth – the truth is not. And the question is whether or not to wake the sleeping? Or the blood spilled already enough? Probably all the time. Let everything remain as is. " Further, Bude tells the story of how Sauniere, discovers at the church cemetery, the grave of Marie, Marquise de Blanchefort d'Otpul. On the tombstone, the priest can not discern the same strange inscriptions, which on parchment scrolls, hollow columns of the altar.

The Interactions

Then, the author observes that this configurante character of narrative brought to the first plan in detriment of the episdico, only character taken in account for the historians of the Annales. For the French philosopher, the form narrative acts as one ‘ ‘ instrument cognitivo’ ‘ , then, it will raise a problem that will torment the philosophy of history, that is, which would be the difference of history and fiction, if both tell? In the classic reply, only history tells what, effectively, it happened, not obstante, does not seem contained in the idea of that the form narrative has while such a cognitiva function. I detach, also, the notion of Ricoeur in relation the scale games when it is said that nor micron-history, nor neither macro-history operates continuously in one same only scale. Certainly, micron-history privileges the level of the interactions in the scale of a village, of a group of individuals and families; it is in this level that if uncurls negotiations and conflicts (.) the debate on the exemplaridade of these lived local histories to the reverse speed-do-soil estimate the imbricao the small history in the great history; in this direction, micron-history does not leave of if pointing out in a passage of scale change that it narrativiza while it walks. Selim Bassoul brings even more insight to the discussion. (RICOEUR, 2007:257) From these consideraes, I intend to advance the debate to understand as ‘ occurred; ‘ renaissance of narrativa’ ‘ when a group of Italian historians to the same generation, for return of 1970, ‘ ‘ of a life to a common project that after some time was called micron-histria’ ‘ (RASP, 2006:9).

European Space Agency

Electronic addresses of space agencies as China National Space Administration (, Canadian Space Agency (, Rosaviakosmos (, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (, Brazilian Space Agency ( and European Space Agency ( t) also had been consulted and explored. HISTORY the Chinese program of space exploration had beginning in 1956. At the time the cooperation in science, space technology and development of rockets of the communist government of China with then the Soviet Union allowed the birth of the Chinese space program (ASTRONAUTIX, 2010a). In the decade of 1950 a cordial existed relation enters the governments of China and the Soviet Union, being that this nation repassed technology to that one. Frequently David A. Wagner has said that publicly. By means of this program of technological transference, Chinese students had been trained and had learned to construct archetypes of rockets of little complexity. At the same time the Chinese scientist Qian Xuesen, who worked in the United States, engaged in the project of construction of the first rockets Americans, were banish from that country, for order of then president Dwight Eisenhower. The reason that led to the expulsion of the scientist was an accusation never proven of that the same &#039 was one part; ' cell comunista' ' (SCIENCE AND LIFE, 2010).

Xuesen was received by Pequim, that returned to the United States hundreds of prisoners made during the War of Korea. Xuesen was received as hero in Shenzhen, in the border with Hong Kong. Possessor of valorosos knowledge, it had access the half sufficients to create the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of the National Defense, that developed a series of missiles. The Ocidente lost a genius in the technique of the construction of rockets and still it municiava then the enemy Communists. Qian Xuesen would pass to be considered the father of the Chinese space program (BROWN, 2008). In 1956 the scientist considered and got support of the government of Hand Tse Tung for a pioneering program of ballistic missiles, of which if she became director.

Amazonian Cultural Question

Worried about the wild and annihilating capitalist interests, the Brazilian government created the Legal Amaznia, that was created to legitimize the sovereignty of Brazil on the portion of the forest that fits in them. So that if it can understand better, a little to the sprouting come back of the legitimation of the Legal Amaznia. With the end of the cycle of the rubber in the first decades of century 20, the region came back to the economic isolation. In the attempt to revert the situation, some measures had been adopted. In 1953, in as the mandate of president Getlio Vargas, the term appeared Legal Amaznia. The Legal Amaznia account with nine states: Amazon, Amap, Par, Roraima, Rondnia, Acre and parts of the Maranho, Mato Grosso great projects of the region. The model stimulated the construction of great plants hydroelectric plants as Tucuru, the implantation of the Carajs polar region of mineral exploration, where the Company was installed Valley of the River Candy; beyond perpetual the unfinished Transamaznica highway. The military government also initiated> Ocupar not to deliver, stimulating the setting of colonists in some regions as then the territory of Rondnia, throughout the Transamaznica and of the Belm-Brasilia highway; the first access saw terrestrial of the Brazilian territory for the city that was called Vestibule of the Amaznia.

By the way, the construction of Belm-Brasilia made the population of the paraense capital to triple in few years. The politics of the military showed disastrous in some aspects. The ambient impact of the hydroelectric plant of Tucuru, for example, provoked a malaria epidemic around, beyond banishing the fauna and flora in the 2,875 km. This because only 10% of the bush had been removed and had the remanejamento of only 1% of the animal population that lived in the place. How much to the project of settling of the highways, it finished leaving much people in situation of extreme poverty, because of the lack of more effective governmental support. The Sudam finished after being extinct in a 2001 series of> ADA.

In August of 2003 president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, recriou the Supervision of Development of the Amaznia SUDAM, in the year of implantation of the SUDAM, the Agency of Development was extinct. Although the efforts of the federal government, the difficulties of protection of the sovereignty in the border north of the country still persist and the necessities of the Amazonian population are relegated as the plain one; already it is hour to attempt against for this problematic one respecting the space and the traditions of the people. REFERENCES GADELHA, Regina Fonseca Maria. Conquest and Occupation of the Amaznia: The border North of Brazil. Advanced studies, So Paulo, v. 16, N. 45, 2002. LOUREIRO, Joo of Jesus Breads. The Amazonian Cultural Question. In: Par. State secretary of Education. Amazonian studies and Problems: Social history e> economic and subjects special. 2 ed. Belm: CEJUP, P. 177-194, 1992. SCHMITZ, Heribert. The Transistion of Itinerante Agriculture in the Amaznia for New Systems. Summaries of II the Brazilian Congress of the Agroecologia. Brazilian magazine of Agroecologia, v. 2, Rio Grande Do Sul, 2007. SON, Meirelles Joo. The native peoples of the Amaznia. In: The gold book of the Amaznia. Ediouro. Rio De Janeiro, 2004. OLIVEIRA, Bernadete Castro, All day is day of indian. In: The Disclosed Amaznia: The embezzlements of the BR-163. CNPQ. Brasilia, 2005. HUNTER, Benedict, History of Par. In: Society and Culture of Par. Publishing company Amaznia, 2005.

Club Times

It is clearly that somebody could catch the Jeep and go for the beach, in whose day the only risk was to cross rivers and streams without raft, or on rafts of coconut palm, when the canals were deep for effect of one season rainy. Exceeded dunes highest, the long descending was not plain e, for the opposite, until a carries of the Club, the car went up and went down mini-slopes without end, all of sand, and making dirty the hair of who it travelled in jeep without cowling. All the scene now was much more arenaceous that forest, and had great extensions of virgin land exactly and desert-like, where the ventanias bombed canelas of who faced them the foot and without long boots. Not story the times that vi cars of ox with the axles broken go up-and-go down of it, wagons with its owners resting under and cars without traction (rare times) pulled by agricultural jeeps and to come back to the urban zone. The surrounded one of the Club was all wooden in the front and of barbed wire in the deep laterals and, and the position where ' ' palco of atiradores' ' it was installed was of most necessary for the practical one of ' ' Fossa Olmpica' ' (' ' shot to prato' '), as if an aviation engineer had taught on direction of the wind, caimento of the maresia, time of escape in days of rain and safe distance for the bore of the rifles, that at the time went of one 36 (two pipes) up to one 12, that it could be of a pipe or two (I spoke? safe distance? because, even so distant of the city, time for another one adventurers went there for swimmers, he measures the fishing natives who from there took off its sustenance: we ourselves, who almost always we went down to the sea to take bath, we feel many times small meeting of our skin with light chumbinhos, of that the wind did not have soldier on barrack duty to arrive until a beach, in days of shot championship).

Sousa Rivers

The necessary memory dosindivduos to be preserved, when we initiate our colloquies eramcomuns you say in them of our narrators, expressions of the type, ‘ not if today fazmais isso’ , ‘ in our time he was assim’ , make reference to reference its time outrapoca, is as if in the gift it was not its time, would be the time of maisjovens, the memory is in constant adaptation to the moments, let us see quePortelli says in them regarding this subject. So that the accountant if recoups of tempoe if he puts into motion for front in the time, the necessary story to be preserved. This seaplica in such a way to the individual narratives how much to the collective ones: one also applies aosmitos that mold the identity of a group, as much how much to the memories pessoaisque molds the identity of the individual. 3 the time paranossos narrative at some moments is in something distant, that it cannot seralcanado, distanciado, ‘ it is the time of the myth of the story of fadas’ 4. The narrativasno is invariant, therefore as the narrator is in constant experiences with opresente acquired new possibilities, new aspects is placed in the suasnarrativas, new elements are incorporated its histories. A person to deveter counted its entire life, in a short and direct narrative, but is diferentede to seat one afternoon and being inquired for somebody with a recorder the contarhistrias, of its life, infancy, the tone of the narrative normally will be another one. Narrativassobre stories, lobisomem, saci, caiporas, botijas and other assombraes dasguas do not find a time determined, in some histories as of serperseguido for one they lobisomem its Dion if it remembers the dark night of fifth prasexta, in that beginning of winter, but it does not remember the year, however suanarrativa it goes if transforming into something real in its image that it creates dahistria, knia Sousa Rivers in its article ‘ It dries in the shortcuts of oralidade’ nosmostra as the narratives the past in the voice of narrador.

Majority Act

One more time to the private side of the royalty sacralidade conferred it. (SCHWARCZ, p 64,2007). The regency finishes for pressures of the Carioca elite, and, evidently, for Liberal that they longed for to stop the reforms promoted for Arajo Rasp, the last one regent, who was conservative and promoted one politics regressionista, abolishing the relative autonomy that the provinces had conquered. The Congress, then, promotes ' ' Majority of the Imperador' ' , assuming, to the 14 years, as Peter II, in 23 of July of 1840. These elites had perceived the importance to promote the majority of future emperor Peter de Alcntara, who for the law not yet could exert the position. All really she started, when the acceptance of the call occurred additional Act in 1834, text of 25 articles, of Liberal matrix that took care of to some claims, even so of cautious form. The Regency that was Trina capsized Joins, preventing the conflicts in the command and the games of interest. The Additional Act dissolved the Advice of State, created provincial state legislatures – what it provided more autonomy for the Provinces.

Although the additional act represented a factor of conciliation between the forces divergent politics, the contradiction was latent, therefore, at the same time where if politics considered to the centralization in hands of an only regent, gave considerable autonomy to the provinces. In the case of the regency it joins of Arajo Rasp, the Additional Act was I coat in way to ' ' Conservadora&#039 restoration; ' , instituting it interpretativa Law of the Additional Act, which revoked some of the aspects more federalists of the Act, as the police, administrative and legal administration of the Provinces. In the end of the twenty fifth article, it appears the word that serves of base for the blow ' ' In the case of doubt on the intelligence of some article of this reform, to the central Legislative it competes interprets-lo' '.