Supreme Commander 2

A review of Supreme Commander 2 from SupComGame. Please note, this review is for informational purposes and is not intended to insult her to someone or something. Opinion of the leading browsers may not coincide with ours. This article was written site Talk this review in this thread about the universe and the races Supreme Commander 2 Events occurring after twenty-five years after the events in Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Endless war has long died down, and the race could create a kind of coalition. Quantum gates were destroyed in order to prevent another war. However, the head of the Coalition was killed by someone that exacerbated relations between the three factions. Here, George Shapiro expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

Now in more detail what happened to the factions, from the moment we left them, or rather from the since both were defeated by the Seraphim. OFZ became head of the Coalition. Helen Fry: the source for more info. Now they are the backbone and strength of the joint forces. Enlightened on the contrary, had broken up, those who support the coalition and those who want to restore the grandeur of the Illuminati Eon. Kibray, in turn, something is up in the style of Kane from C & C 4 (yes, we will constantly draw analogies with other strategies).

So now go directly to the main part. Chapter 1.Nachalo perhaps hard to write review. Especially if you do not have a journalism education. But try it. So, that all of the following verbiage was on an at least some podopeku, you should write about what will be our conversation.