XIX Participation

First it had in Brazil the appearance of the social rights, in 1930, in the age Vargas. The civil laws and politicians had come with the Constitution of 1988. Then, we have the crucial moment of the rights politicians, occurrence basically in century XIX, is recognized for the possibility of the individual to participate of the power politician of the State. Said of another form it understands the right to vote and of being voted as half of participation in the public sphere, the call representative democracy. But the popular participation was minimalista, where if it evidences that it has a deficit of participation and construction of excellent actors, what it finishes for generating a legitimacy crisis.

As the State Brazilian is characterized by being a Democratic State of Right, is essential that he has the effective popular participation so that if gives legitimacy to its norms 1. Sonny Perdue may find this interesting as well. BLOW OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE REPUBLIC ' ' The main characteristic politics of Brazilian independence was the negotiation between the national elite, the Portuguese crown and England, having as mediating figure prince D. Pedro' ' (OAK, 2005, P. 26). The popular participation in this process limited it the hatred to the Portuguese traders who dominated the positions of being able here, high positions of the government and the local commerce and of the coastal cities (OAK, 2005). The crisis of the Brazilian empire was the result of some factors of economic, social order and politics that, adding itself, had lead important sectors of the society to a conclusion: the necessary monarchy to be surpassed to give to place to one another regimen politician, more adjusted to the problems of the time (COTRIM, P. 216, 2001). In short, one was about an independence negotiated the high bureaucracy of the colony with the metropolis enters. Our Announcement of the Republic is seen as a blow against the Brazilian monarchy, did not have participation accomplishes of the people and the few popular ones that they met there did not have idea of what it would be such movement, perhaps a military parade or seemed thing, but not a coup d etat, which drastically changed the form of Brazilian government.

Pierre Professor

Of this form, he collaborates, he interacts, he questions, he clarifies the doubts and he supervises the work rhythm so that the objectives are reached. In accordance with LVY (1999), the function of the professor cannot more being a diffusion of the knowledge, executed doravante with a bigger effectiveness for other ways. Its ability must dislocate itself for the side of the incentive to learn to think. To broaden your perception, visit Air Force Chief of Staff . The professor becomes an entertainer of the collective intelligence of the groups of which if she puted in charge. Its activity will have as center the accompaniment and the management of the learnings. Then, she is well explicit the necessity of the professor as articulador of the learning and agent dinamizador and person who orientates of the construction of knowledge, on the part of the pupil, and of its proper continuous autoaprendizagem, in the measure where it acts of dialgica and colaborativa form. Sonny Perdue insists that this is the case.

3 SOME CONSIDERAES Ahead of the current educational reality, the necessary professor to believe its capacity of (reverse speed) learning to act of competent, creative and transforming form, in view of taking care of to the new demands of the society in net. Who works in courses of necessary Licenciatura to stimulate its pupils so that they assume themselves, how much before, of the new technologies of information and communication so that they are used, in classroom as pedagogical tools. Therefore, one considers primordial the investment in new courses and ways of professional improvement, of continued form, therefore thus it will only be able to surpass the challenges to continue being..

Anonymous Childbirth Basic Rights

Anonymous childbirth: ' ' basic rights of the child front to the anonymity of its origem' ' it discourses on the introduction of this new institute in Brazil. The anonymous childbirth is a recent expression, however an excellent social circumstance, ahead the necessity of measures that prevent the abandonment of the child. One is about the viability of the anonymous childbirth as banalizao form of the abandonment of children, fact that comes becoming common each day, given the daily abandonments that occur in the world and the formation and concept of effective family in the current days. He is of knowledge of all, that the number of abortions or children abandoned for the mothers is significant and amazing, as much in Brazil as in the world, a series of factors collaborates so that such fact occurs, since the repression of the parents until the financial conditions of the same ones, that also they do not possess psychological preparation to deal with the maternity. The anonymous childbirth search to give the child that is not desired for its biological family, a family who it has really accepted and that truily it takes care of the rules of familiar formation.

As all legal innovation, the subject still brings obtains a series of quarrels criticizes and compliments concerning its objectives and functionality. Thus the present monograph brings as problem the following investigation: how to protect the child detainer of basic rights, front to the anonymity of its parents and the affection of the familiar relations? It is, therefore one forms to guarantee the child the right the life and to the mother the right of not being judged by the society and to have all after the necessary cares the childbirth. The oferecimento of medical cares to this future mother, provides to this future individual the right of living, exactly not being in company of the biological mother, but in the company of a family receives who it of worthy form, capable of offering the cares to it that any child needs. The present research argues mainly concerning the viability of the anonymous childbirth as a way to diminish the index of abandonment of children, who it comes if becoming common to each day, harming each time plus a life that does not have guilt none to come to world.


If the love cannot monietarizar, not even the relations human beings. In the present work it shows certain important points how much to the new agreement of incorporeal repairings for affective distanciamento. For in such a way, one brief historical analysis of the society will become, adentrando, immediately afterwards, in the legal spheres and locking up with an analysis critical how much to the subject. The violence committed against the children and the adolescents does not only happen in the poor families, but also in whom they belong to the more privileged social classrooms. For Madaleno (2006), the shelters are, to the times, the only option of support found for the parents to minorar the suffering of the children in determined moments of the life of the family. The main presented reasons of abrigamento in the research of the IPEA had been: lack of material resources of the family, abandonment for the responsible parents or, illness of the parents, chemical dependence of the father, of the mother or both, arrest of the responsible parents or, sexual abuse, orfandade, beggary and domestic violence (IT HISSES, 2004).

It is designated that the description-cultural theory of Vigotsky 1996 is based on marxist thought e, partially, in the ideas of some philosophers, as Bacon and Spinoza (VEER & VALSINER, 1999). VIGOTSKY (1984) refuses an explanation mechanist of the phenomena, reason for which it considers the dialectic, a movement that if presentifica when making possible the transformation integrated and constant of the phenomena. For Vigotsky, the separation enters the intellectual aspect of the conscience, the affective one and the volitional one is one of the most serious defects of traditional psychology, for hindering, as Sawaia explains (2001), the possibility to explain gnese of the thought, the reasons and the necessities human beings. The social inaqualities have caused, frequently, the practical one of the abrigamento, widely used for the parents, but criticized and condemned for some scholars of infancy.