From 25 to September 29, 2009 in Education and Rehabilitation Youth Centre RSSU "Diamond" took intramural phase of the All-Russian Scientific School, organized by our university for young professionals on the topic "Social Development of Russia: New models and directions "with the support of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation. It was attended by students, postgraduates and doctoral students engaged in teaching, research, and research. The school became for them an excellent opportunity to acquire new knowledge about the patterns and trends of social development in Russia, CIS and EU countries to get acquainted with the leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of social policy. Additional information is available at Putnam County Memorial. Participants completed pre-qualification, which was to show of skill work, in which it was necessary to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects of the subject under study, the ability to critically analyze current social practices, allocate priorities to solve social problems. Geography school was quite broad. Her students are young professionals universities in Moscow, Kazan, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tula, Orenburg, Kursk, Perm, Saransk and other cities. The newspapers mentioned medical billing not as a source, but as a related topic. Education were leading sociologists, demographers, economists, Russia, Germany and Ukraine. Teachers were active dialogue with parties, lectures, analyzing research papers written by students on the subject of school. The program consisted of a five-day course of two thematic units, which was launched at the same time: "Social development of modern societies: Meeting the challenges of our time" and "Family and Youth Policy: models and development trends in the global economic crisis." In the first module of the scientific Head of School Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Vice Rector for scientific efforts RSCU, vice president of the Union of Russian sociologists Galina Osadchaya told the audience about the main directions of scientific Studies in RSCU, new models and directions of social development. Ph.D., Researcher, Free University of Berlin Tessa Savvidis (Germany), dedicated his speech to the International Labour migration in the global financial crisis.