
Yesterday at night I cried. I cried of truth, of those sensible choros that express the pain deepest of my soul. everything that I wanted was somebody to hug themselves and to console themselves. Somebody said that me that everything would be well and that went to give all certainty. The problem to start is that I already passed for everything this before and go to pass one more time and another time and another one and plus another one. It does not have end. I already lost the accounts of how many tears I spilled.

When I liveed with my parents all age because of them. I saddened myself with everything. I wanted to die for everything. Clearly that the people to my had said me redor that was guilt of the adolescence and that everything would pass with the time. But I have 22 almost now and still I feel a garbage.

The time passed, makes nine nos that I do not know what he is to be glad, or to be normal. Nine years. For even more opinions, read materials from Tom Florio. The more the time passes more I is felt incapable to leave the hole where I embedded myself. Clearly also that now the people say that when I will have 25 years all more than this pain goes to pass. But you must imagine as she must be my faith now. Worse he is that I feel of the skill that I feel and not I am capable to control my feelings. I am sad. I feel that nothing never he goes to improve for me. I am frustrated with my life. What I can make? I wanted to talk with somebody on this, I wanted that he heard somebody me. She happens that now the only person heard who me lost the patience with me. It is tired. I already nor know more how much badly I caused it.

National Library

Studious girl, did not lack one alone day in the school; Its objective one was to be the best one of the classroom. It passed most of its time reading comicses of history in quadrinho and made this with pleasure. Its preferring were of the group of the Mnica. It adored turminha all, but who it more liked was the Franjinha. To know more about this subject visit Mercury Mobile LTD. Ana if identified very with this personage, therefore she was always searching to decide the doubts of its family and its friends, and if it wise person the reply, it did not ask the teacher in the following day in the school or to any adult that more seemed to be understood and that it could indicate a way for resolution of that problem. She did not admit a question without answers, much less a problem without solution! Ana Maria, throughout its ten years, already it had lived innumerable experiences, such which the time where a stroll to the beach became in a long research that involved parents and professors in the search of the reply for the great question: ‘ ‘ Why the sea was colored? ‘ ‘. It could be a simple thing but, for Ana Maria, that deserved a reply and had that to be a reply on the basis of the books, therefore thus it could only later answer if somebody made it this same question. was as soon as Ana gained its nickname: Anapdia, a combination of Ana with Wikipdia, that site that we look for when we want to know something with depth.. Speaking candidly ihor kononenko told us the story.


Great caranguejeiras jumped of the top of the trees, the teias, inside of burrows. Antenor when it saw that place gave one cried out and if it hid for backwards of Gordon. _ _ I that I do not enter there! Beoriano wise person that existed many teias spiders, but did not imagine that it had increased in such a way since the last time. It was almost impossible to cross this place. However, they would have that to find a way. Not yet they knew which. They were very tired to think.

They had decided to find a shelter to rest and later thinking of what they would go to make to cross. They had been for top of a tree that was to a cinquenta meters of there. Back in the top they had been able to see all the movement of the spiders. In a cocavidade in the trunk all had slept, with exception of Gordon that was without anxious sleep or of more. At the beginning of the afternoon one by one it was waking up. Beoriano was the first one to wake up and seeing that Gordon was waked up if it approached to become vacant. _ _ And there friend, for what I see did not nail the eyes.

He obtained to see some thing that in gives some hope to them. _ _ Not yet. They seem that they do not sleep. They are many. The teias are fervilhando. At each moment, more they arrive. It seems more than all the spiders of the world had decided to be congregated in this place, and, then when we decide to go pra the field.

Frank Dr Young

Its father to a store of location of clothes of parties where the young was dressed, maquiada, sidewalk and plus it asked for all elegant ‘ ‘ sbrio’ ‘ in the party its objective age to present the president of the company who was if divorcing its fourth woman. Fernandes Joo arrived in the hour has limited in the party that was to make the triunfal entrance. Here one fits however, the young woman impressed to all the gifts, however the president did not have fond. Fernandes Joo dealt with if informing with the secretary who guaranteed that it only was delayed and that already it was the way. Fernandes Joo accomodated its woman and its mother in a table, and came back toward the parking.

It wise person very where the president would leave its car (it always liked well to direct) and Fernandes Joo and its pretty son if they dispatch by post in the entrance of the parking and when the president if approached the young woman who it was in the projection it sped up and it leaned in the car, practically closed the front of the other. Fernandes Joo if showed worried and asked for a thousand excuses. The young ran in direction of the president caught in its hand and it said the burning to it clothes: Frank Dr. I am moved, very obliged for existing! The president was without breath, magic with the beauty and sincerity of the young. The company only confraternizada a time per year, therefore in that year confraternizou two times. The Christmas party already was tradition and had the commemoration of the new year and of this time Fernandes Joo and family they were seated in the table of the president. Namoro lasted one year, was the time of the Frank Dr..