World Assosiation

– Preservation of the corrosion-protective effect at the opening of the equipment, its drainage and under water. – Providing a partial removal of deposits and corrosion products from the protected surfaces. Media Solutions describes an additional similar source. – The lack of necessary equipment before re-entry start-up. environmental safety. 2.

ABOUT PRESERVATIVES octadecylamine is most effective and universal film-forming amine. For conservation of power 80 MW at ES ‘EDM’ was used octadecylamine C18H37NH2 conditioned, extremely clean-ODACON, corresponding to European to DIN EN ISO 9001: 1994. ODACON relates to reagents for use approved for the use of FDA / USDA and the International Organization of World Assosiation of Nuclear Opertion (WANO). Specific gravity (50 C), 0,79-0,82 mass fraction of primary amines is not less than 99,7% (C16 + C18 -95.3%) mass fraction of secondary amines is not more than 0.3% Iodine value (city iodine / 100g, characterizes the number of unsaturated hydrocarbons), not more than 2.0 C freezing point of water content of 39.2 to 0.2% mass fraction of amides missing mass fraction of nitriles No Appearance Crystallization concentration limits: – for hygienic use of 0.03 mg / kg – for fishery waters 0.03 mg / kg – in the working area 1.0 mg/m3 3. TECHNICAL Property Features Unit 1 Tallinn ES ‘EDM’ capacity of 80 MW boiler unit equipped with a type TGME-464 and the turbine PT-80/100-130/13. 3.1. Boiler. Steam boiler TGME-464 Taganrog Boiler Plant (SCC) with the natural circulation and evaporation of a two-stage scheme is U-shaped line-.

Roll Roofing Repairs

Roof – top element of the roof (covering) that protects the building from all types of environmental influence. Of course, what the quality of the materials from which the roof is done, depends largely on longevity, speaking without understatement, the entire structure. Thus, surfaced roofing (roofing, polymer-bitumen, bituminous roofing) is a special synthetic material used during roofing and waterproofing work. This soft, roll roofing on both sides treated by a modified bitumen primarily used to cover flat roofs. Quality roofs should have a number of properties, including are: resistance to temperature extremes, exposure to biological agents, to the appearance of corrosion and water tight.

In particular, the material should have some flexibility to be able to perform Roofing work, even in remote places. Hybrid bikes has much experience in this field. Roll roofing surfaced is to ensure reliability and quality of its installation nesgnivayuschuyu basis of polyester, glass fabric. When you install a roof frequently used gas burners, but you can use self-adhesive bituminous and polymeric roofing. Consider some of the materials. Roofing Gidrostekloizol (surfaced roofing) Modern, high-quality roofing material, obtained by continuous, two-way application to the foundation of molten bitumen, which consists of petroleum bitumen, filler, processing aids.

When igotovlenii Gidrostekloizola used as a basis: nesgnivayuschie fiberglass materials. It is interesting that the use of nesgnivayuschie basis leads to an increase in the life of the roof to fifteen years. In Depending on the type of foundation, type of dressing and the application of Gidrostekloizol issued the following brands: Gidrostekloizol-TAP, HSS-Gidrostekloizol – used for installation of the upper layer of roof membrane – with coarse grit or scaly on the front side and a polymer film deposited by a cloth; Gidrostekloizol-HSP, Gidrostekloizol-CCI – used for installation of the upper layer of roof membrane with a protective layer and lower layers of the roof membrane for waterproofing of building structures – with a polymer film on both sides of the canvas.

Reduced Light

Steeper rise of the curves at the beginning of heavy gases due to lower heat losses. Increasing power density by increasing the current causes a drop light output. For small power densities with heavy inert gas filling provides higher light output, but with increasing specific power advantage is shifting towards the lighter gases. For tubes 38 mm in diameter at specific loads, more than 2.5 times higher than optimal, filling neon gives a higher light output than filled with argon. Reduced pressure filling gas increases light output. Thus, when creating a lamp with a 4-5-fold overloaded compared to the standard replacement of neon and argon pressure drop to 200-267 Pa (1.5-2 mm Hg.

Art.) can give gain initial light output by 25-50% compared with a similar bulb filled with argon. Another method of solving the problem of choosing the optimal conditions for powerful filling tubes was proposed by IM Veselnitskim. Experimentally and theoretically, it was shown that at low pressure inert gas T Rez goes through a maximum, whose position with increasing PiCT shifted to lower pressures. Such a pattern most clearly marked for the heavy gas filling and large-diameter tubes (38.54 mm). On this basis it was suggested to fill the lamps with high PICT heavy inert gases (Ar, Kr) to much lower pressures than taken, lying close to the maximum g RSZ from ri.g. For example, the maximum iiPe3 high PiCT and 38-54 mm diameter tubes filled with argon is obtained for up to 13.3 Pa (0.1 mmHg.

Cent.). In this section of this category with PiCT = l, 6 W / cm is the standard Chgez fluorescent lamps with 80 W P = 0.5 W / cm. The initial light output by approximately 10-15% higher (depending on power) than when filled with neon to a pressure of 270 Pa (2 mmHg. Cent.). However, there are serious problems with the manufacture and working electrodes.


Market research, technology market research. Part 1: Good day! As always, we begin our discussion with a short greet, and then start rasskladyvat the challenges ahead. Marketing research – a very expensive technology. Talk about the software is not worth it. Because marketing is not programmny products that perform marketing research. Product news Marketing consists of a table Excel, which are driven all the necessary sales data and statistical studies.

Output at the appropriate schedules, access, and so on. But the program has done for you makrketingovoe study, no such products yet. Marketing techniques while standing still. Sonny Perdue gathered all the information. A methodology does not stand still. When market research is necessary to obtain expert opinion that know the market for several years. Which program would interrogate the very experts and get expert advice. Here's just it, people in marketing while laptop is not replaced. To obtain the opinion of experts need to find these experts.

Where we take the experts, but then again the internet offer us the necessary information. For more information see Michael Steinhardt, New York City. Maybe an acquaintance, someone you know may have long labors in this field. On the Internet, we are looking for experts on institutes, rectors, professors. Write letters to them, talk to them. How to write a letter to the expert, so he answered you? The first and most reliable way – is to offer him money. Yes, money opens any door. But not always. If a man really loves his job, a nice companion to it can not hurt. It may happen that a person needs extra ears (pardon the expression) that will be within a few hours to sit and listen to it story. The situations are different. But the necessary information from the experts need to get in anyway, otherwise you will not see success. The methodology is based on the marketing of statistics, data processing, the analyst. There a lot of techniques that determine the competitive environment, the competitiveness of the product itself. What I do not like marketing – so it is handling clients. When a sample of several thousand respondents, marketers make the analysis of consumer behavior, and then implement these observations into practice, and then we come across the bait.

Peruvian Companies

So many definitions of company exist as authors exist, in such sense is a subject studied enough, nevertheless, has not had the echo adapted within the Peruvian state, for that reason she is that we will offer our definition of company. For us the same is the set of capital, work and administration reunited to satisfy a necessity in the market, for this reason, between but known it is the subject but companies will exist in the market, having subsisted but only the efficient ones. Air Force Chief of Staff describes an additional similar source. It exists diverse classes of companies, between which we can mention the commercial ones, industrial, wholesale, retail, distributing, among others. That is to say, the legal studies and the private clinics, universities and private institutes are companies and the industries or factories, among others, for that reason we hoped that greater number of the same exists so that it exists job majors. The companies when well they are administered export, thus is due to study the right of international trade and the customs right, putting record that the first sandal to the second, that is to say, right customs form leaves from the right of international trade and in addition the international right of the company is of great importance to have presence abroad, which little has been studied within the Peruvian right, but in another you soothe, thus in these last ones constitute major number of transnational companies, which serve to improve banlaza of payments of the state in which the same is created. That is to say, we hoped that these brief lines serve to have knowledge on the company, which is a subject that must be known and be dominated by all, still in the case that is not professional. – Original Author and source of the article.

Daily Pay-project Radio In The School

So that the objectives considered in this work are fulfilled and the waited results are reached will be necessary as many material resources, how much human resources. The professors will participate of the execution of the proposal, learning, managing nucleus, coordinators, supervisors, family and the community of the school. This participation will be given with study, research, work, disciplines, organization, support, suggestion or other forms of aid.

2 JUSTIFICATION To supply the necessities of an inserted school in a globalizada society is to promote the flow of the information and communications in pertaining to school ecosystems through the educomunicao, by means of projects interdisciplinares. To adjust to the school to this new reality is to guarantee to its participants a qualitatively superior education to that it comes today being offered until in all the aspects, therefore the significant pertaining to school results results of concrete actions with the purpose to democratize, to organize, to manage, practical the curricular ones, the planning, the processes of participation, the conditions of production, the dynamics of the evaluation with the eyes directed toward the success of the educandos. Leaving of this thought it was perceived necessity of if adopting a position to interdisciplinar and the technologies especially a radio sender, therefore this provides, to the pupil the expressividade, the possibility to hear and to be heard, of integration and interaction between its pairs, working in team with sights to the objective one in such a way to improve the quality of the reading in the literal meaning how much appeared. The difficulty in the reading is a gap that the acquisition of other learnings makes it difficult especially the constituted ones by means of linguistic signs with its significant ones and meanings. The Daily pay Project: Radio in the School an education for, on and in the media has as north. The interdisciplinaridade has a position and a function to appeal when usable knowing to decide to the questions and the problems, educational and social contemporaries. Thus it has that to have the collective and democratic management of the resources, the programming and know-making, so that the radio involves the school and contributes for the exercise of the citizenship. On this, Salvador (2005, preface) assures: the Radio already it is a school, therefore it has dom to not only transform the life into noise, penetrating in the thought of the listener, but in what it has of sensitivity. Decoding the messages radiofnicas, the listener elaborates ideas, creates images, produces fancies, enriches the spirit, modifies or consolidates behaviors .

Fiberglass Reinforcement

We calculated the efficiency of the replacement of reinforced concrete structures stekloplastbetonnymi in operation in various aggressive environments synthetic fiber plants. SCOPE Fiberglass composite reinforcement: rebar used in accordance with the requirements of design documents for construction of buildings and structures of various naznacheniya.Armatura designed for use in industrial and civil, road stroitelstve.Primenenie concrete in concrete structures of buildings and structures of various naznacheniya.Dlya use in light and heavy concrete (foam concrete, slabs, in-situ foundations). In a layered brick masonry zdaniy.V as anchors for fastening the outer insulation of the walls zdaniy.V as nets and rods in konstruktsiyah.V as flexible ties of three-layer stone walls of buildings and structures of civil and industrial and agricultural construction, including the supporting layer, coated with a hard layer and at uteplitelya.Ispolzovanie bank stabilization. Maritime and port sooruzheniya.Kanalizatsiya, reclamation and vodootvedenie.Dorozhnoe fabric and infrastructure of chemical ograzhdenie.Elementy proizvodstv.Izdeliya of prestressed concrete with a relaxed and reinforcement (lighting columns, electric poles, insulators, transmission lines traverse, and road paving slabs, fence boards, borders, columns and pillars, railway sleepers, fittings for sewers, pipelines and trassoprovodnyh (district heating, cable channels) kommunikalnyh sistem.Pri erection of buildings to create non-removable opalubki.Perspektivno seymoustoychivyh zone buildings and structures both existing and newly constructed. The use of composite fiberglass reinforcement increases the service life of structures by 2-3 times compared with the use of steel reinforcement, especially when exposed to aggressive environments, including containing chloride salts, alkalis and acids.

BENEFITS Fiberglass Reinforcement: tensile strength is 3 times higher strength characteristics of steel bars of class AIII. Indicator of the ultimate strength of metal armature-390 MPa, the composite – at least 1000 MPa.Stekloplastikovaya fittings will not rust. Not subject to korrozii.Kislostoykaya. Resistant to sea vode.Stekloplastikovaya fixture has a high elastic .. Dielektrik.Kompozitnaya fiberglass reinforcement practically no … Does not change the properties under the influence of electromagnetic poley.Ne loses its strength properties when exposed to extremely low temperatures. Lighter metal reinforcement 9 times, at equiresistant replacement. Any construction length under the project requirements and the customer. The speed of production.

The Program

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The author teaches easy comodinero completely free Internet without the need to buy a product. By please visit and if you want to know more leave a comment or write me to and warmly I will answer what you want to know and remember information that I give you and I can give you is completely free without any payment. A hug and kisses.

Printing Production Features Offset Printing

Printing is a branch of production, bringing together the different ways the printed reproduction of text production, illustration, etc., in the form of newspapers, magazines, books, booklets, posters, labels, maps, forms and many other varieties of printed products. Printing Technology helps with the technical facilities to receive a specified number of identical copies of graphic images – letters, signs, drawings. The basis of the principle of printing reproduction, or transmission, in other words, the printing of the material, which is called the plate on a surface – printed material. There different ways to transfer images from the printing plate to the substrate. First – this is high (or typographic) method in which the printing elements are located above the non. When applied to printed form, it only covers the printing form, and thus only these elements will print on the printed material. The second way – intaglio printing, which is a mirror image of letterpress printing, which the printing area in the recess, and elevated white space. The third way – a flat printing, where print and non-printing areas are in the same plane.

In technology, conceived the idea of a flat print print first on a cylinder with an elastic (rubber) coating, and only after the image is transferred from the cylinder to the paper. Thus, the portable has been enhanced or offset printing, which reached a high time level. At present it is considered a universal technique of printing, offset printing is gradually displacing even from areas that are once her main area printing processes – processes of transfer of ink from printed form (sometimes using an intermediate medium such as a blanket cylinder) to the substrate, as well as related preparatory operations Printing – this is repeated to obtain the same images with the specified quality parameters by transferring ink from the printing plate (either directly or through an intermediate surface) na substrates.