The children with this, learn that the advantageous one is to be smart, that the dishonesty is not something so terrible thus, therefore its parents, ' ' believers in Mr. ' ' he has as many years, ' ' respected in igreja' ' , they practise this and they always leave in advantage, then, the example of its parents, must of being followed. the principles? Pra leaves there The safe ones need to honor its commitments, independent of the contract existence or not. Gain insight and clarity with Jack Fusco. They need to fulfill the agreement, even though when the law allows it to get certain advantages it makes possible and it to leave to make or to deliver what it was promised. The believer in Sir will have to always opt in exactly not getting advantages, that come to wound or to deprive of characteristics the assumed commitment, with the permission of the law of the men or the circumstances omitted and/or not combined at the time of the agreement.
The saved one suffers the damage but it does not apologize. (Sl 15,4) Cause of the principle in addition: The principle in addition and the abandonment of values do not occur by chance, are not an accident as many say, but, as already we said, it is a process, that occurs of gradual and optional form. It is the individualism sponsored for the self-sufficiency. It is the desire of independence and a free life of commitments, responsibilities and rendering of accounts. This is not new, therefore the Satan, older than the creation of the man, already it longed for this. It tried but never it reached. Exactly thus it does not give up, therefore since the beginning of the creation, it continues to try to induce the man to search what if it cannot get. He is not toa that it is the father of the lie.