The Choice Of Timber For Construction

Wood is the most durable, reliable and convenient in handling the material. Besides the increased demand for timber and lumber for construction and due to their high availability – Russ has been in all ages ochenbogata their forests. Kept up to date, house of logs, which age has more than one century, are an excellent proof of a superior quality timber. Log house – the most eco-friendly a place to stay. So it is understandable that the long tradition of wooden Russian architecture have survived to modern times. About the construction of wooden houses, and the possible use of different wood structures write a lot, but the process of harvesting tell quite a bit. But this complex and most important stage of the process chain determines the result: the strength and durability of wood in log largely depend on what the quality was a building material. So, what do you need to know about the most important properties of wood? First, a few words about the most common rocks.

According to established practice in a wooden construction of the most frequently used spruce and pine. They have a straight smooth trunk, no hollows, a relatively small number of branches, all this makes it easy to knock down walls, and high gummosity these woods provides the best resistance to decay. Recently, more and more use in the construction are cedar, and larch. Under the cedar, however, mean cedar pine. Used such material such as aspen. You do not often log construction is basswood, oak, beech and alder. Here and there, finds its application fir.

Do not forget that the life expectancy of a wooden log home depends not only on well chosen wood. Significant impact on the durability of construction and makes the very quality of the original wood, which depends on a combination of factors. Key among them – the place and time of preparation and methods drying. The main parameter of quality is its density. Typically wood density determined by the area where harvesting shall be held, or rather, climatic conditions in the area. Usually the wood harvested in northern areas, is very dense. The highest quality and solid wood – from the northern Urals. Often, you can also read what the most suitable for use in the construction of timber must be harvested with late October to early March. But it's not quite true. For example, spruce and pine to be harvested in February-March. Wood in this period, more dry, respectively, for processing there are fewer cracks than in the trunks of trees felled in a different season. And also at low ambient temperatures on the tree fungus does not appear, and the bark is removed in subsequent processing with ease. Therefore, peeled logs in result of slightly injured. And of course, snow is easier to remove trees from the forest. And aspen prepared closer to the beginning of April when the sap flow begins. Harvested trees are more cold until free of knots and sawing logs on (often six-meter length). Blank to the end of winter should be removed from the forest and placed in storage piles. It is imperative that the logs were raised from below the ground at least 50 centimeters (just as in they do not fall moisture and dew on the ground). Spili log in obscure slaked lime, in a manner to protect them from excessive drying and possible cracking.