Visit Nuremberg Zoological Gardens

Rooted in the Middle Ages What did you come to mind when the word "Nuremberg"? Microscopic sausages, delicious cakes, distorted half-timbered buildings with round window panes? Then perhaps it is time more correct way of Nuremberg. Of course, Nuremberg – the historic city. Powerful, towering over the city for centuries the castle was a favorite residence of German emperors, such as Friedrich Barbarossa and Charles iv. And no wonder – with such a panorama! Magnificent Gothic churches, such as St. Lorenz (Lawrence) and St. Sebalda, proud patrician residences and impressive city wall the length of five kilometers Nuremberg was considered at the time of Richard Wagner and the Romantics, "the treasury of the empire." Even today, in the old town survived countless gems that brilliant era, forming a unique Art-historical complex. In any case, such a cliche.

But this is only one side. Today, 950 years after its founding, Nuremberg – is also a modern, bustling city life with half the population. Not dusty museum exhibit, a large city, full of the special atmosphere and comfort, are invited to walk, inspection and discovery. This unique spirit of good sense in the old town with its numerous attractions and very affordable shops. In the shadow of the church of St.

Lorenz played by street musicians from all corners of the globe, and not far from the House of Durer found in the warm summer evenings connoisseurs of modern life. This attractive and Nuremberg: the harmonious coexistence of old and new, modern and historical, live and gone down in history. In Nuremberg, you will find many surprises. But better make sure that the most Combining incongruous Imagine: You quietly roam the streets of the old city and suddenly you are staring at a huge lop-eared creature with terrifying red eyes. As a person who understands the art, you certainly will understand that this bold modern interpretation of the famous dyurerskogo hare. Y-yes, in Nuremberg such meetings can be any number. Many public areas are decorated with notable monuments, sculptures and fountains – a cultural hike "for free". K example, it is impossible to pass by the beautiful fountain at Market Square, whose age has passed for 600-m. They say it's a brilliant gold openwork Gothic marvel, richly decorated with allegorical figures and historical images, brings grace and fulfill a dream, if you turn the golden ring (bags, with no guarantee!). Baroque splendor of the "Marriage Carousel" at the White Tower is a surprise, a wonderful contrast with the appearance of the city. The author of this Fountain is a Professor Jurgen Weber. Created based on the poems of Hans Sachs' Bitter-sweet married life, he was true to the normal human life. Memorable event for the whole family, for sure, will be Visit Nuremberg Zoological Gardens – one of the most beautiful in Europe! The spacious aviaries, among the rocks of sandstone, forests and ponds is home to over 2,000 wild animals, from dolphins in Flipper, and ending this rabbit in the pen calves.