Empdocles de Agrigento, when developing the theory of the four elements ' ' land, air, water, fogo' ' it defended that the combination of these elements would define the existing things. Corroborating with Alcmeo, Empdocles affirmed that the illness elapses of the disequilibrium of the constituent elements of the body. 5. HIPCRATES the school of the island of Kos had a destined temple the Asclpio and had incorporated the doctrines of Alcmeo and Empdocles, among others. In this school it studied Hipcrates. He was contemporary of Empdocles and Plato. It wrote the Hippocratiun Corpus, elaborated in 53 books, however, currently, knows that nor all had been written by same Hipcrates. In this workmanship descriptions meet clinical among others that make possible the diagnosis of illnesses as Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Drop and Malaria.
Many of the illnesses were associates the climatic, racial or cultural factors (derived from the ways of life). The relevance of Hipcrates it was the aiming of the knowledge of the art of the cure of the mitolgico knowledge for the scientific, approximately parallel way to the beginning of the philosophical reflections. In this attempt of aiming the Humoral Theory elaborated, according to which has four corporal moods: blood (heart), fleuma (brain), yellow bile (liver) and black bile (bao). A disequilibrium of these moods if would become an illness. For the cure, it guided the Greeks to search its balance, therefore the physical importnica of diets and exercises. As secondary resources, Hipcrates prescribed medicines. 6. CONSIDERAES the myths had constituted a form of dogmtico and previous knowledge to the philosophical one.
They had been very important for the knowledge of the antiquity and, although the advent of the too much forms of knowledge, had not left of being searched and being renewed. According to mythology Greek, the god of the medicine was Apolo, but when removing of pira funerary of its loved its Asclpio son, this started to be the god of the medicine. Asclpio was represented supported in a serpent envolta in a baton, that originated the symbol of the medicine. The knowledge derived from the myth of Asclpio established the schools of medical sciences of old Greece. In the school of Kos it studied Hipcrates. Hipcrates left a coletnea of books (Hippocratun Corpus) and in these the medical oath can be found, until today repeated. It searched to base rationally the art of the cure, influencing the medical research until the present time. 7. REFERENCES SPIDER, MLA AND MARTINS, MHP. Subjects of Philosophy. So Paulo: Modern, 1992. BLACKBURN, S. Dictionary Oxford de Filosofia. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed., 1997. HE HISSES, MJA. A rooster the Asclpio. Cinica and Vida: Special philosophy. Year II, v. 7. So Paulo: It scales Ed., 2010. HIPCRATES.Conhecer, to take care of, to love: the oath and other texts. So Paulo: landy ed, 2002.