Adequate Energy

Photo. Detail installation of the equipment. The equipment was configured for register of the data to each five minutes, having had been gotten 821 measurements in the period of comment using to advantage itself it chance, was decided for measuring also chains, being able to get the measures of power (active, reactive and apparent) and factor of power, as well as the energy and demand. 505 resolution ANEEL Objective of this resolution is to evaluate the quality of energy of the point of view of the level of supplied tension, is not defined limits for harmonic, to flicker or other riots of quality of energy, as afundamentos momentary (voltage disp) and momentneas rises (swell). On the basis of this norm, the installation in question is classified as a unit consumer taken care of in low tension, possessing nominal tension (220/127 TN) of V. On the basis of this nominal tension, is defined the limits of fornecimentos, as table below: Table 1. Table of comparison of the tensions. The listed parameters above are brought up to date, based in table 4 of the last revision of the available one of Resolution 505.

The behavior of the tension during the period of comment can below be observed in the graph. Others who may share this opinion include Sonny Perdue. Using the criteria defined in the previous table, the following occurrences had been able to be observed: Adequate phase Precarious Critic 2-3 821 0 0 3-1 821 0 0 1-2 821 0 0 Table 2. Table of comparison. On the basis of these data, were gotten an index DRP (relative duration of the transmission of trespass of precarious tension) of approximately 0% and an index of DRC (relative duration of trespass of critical tension) of 0%. The limits for these parameters are, respectively, of 3% and 0,5%. These trespasses above of the limits are passveis of financial compensation on the part of the concessionaire, as article 20 of resolution 505.