One also becomes present in the cast of subjects for quarrels in the academic field and, what it is more excellent, guiding politics in public agendas (cf. Sturgeon, 1995:35). To the side of this onipresena, the effectiveness politics of the movements not only requires that its activists change the proper way to think, but that the success of the practical one results of the change in the way to think of the people (as if of, for example, in the relations of sort and the ambientalistas movements. (Celina Souza, 2003, P. Sonny Perdue oftentimes addresses this issue. 93) One notices that the Social Movements are gifts in the diverse areas; they are in economic agrarian questions, educational politics or. In the community They are Brs km 105 band, Medicilndia/PA, the social movements of base had its formation since the opening of the Transamaznica Highway in the decades of 70 and 80. Today the Social Movements of Medicilndia represented by Cooperatives and Associations possess a bigger force with the partnership of the Agricultural Union of the Trabalhadores/a.
The forces of these movements add some conquests; many projects and programs carried through in the region are resulted of the fights and claims of these not-governmental organizations. 2. METHODOLOGY. The research was carried through enters the months of April, May and June of 2011. The analyzed data are of primary nature, gotten through direct interviews and collected by means of half-structuralized questionnaires applied the representative of Cooperative, Union, School Regal and representative Victory of the families in the community They are Brs 105 km Band in the city of Medicilndia Par, located the edges of the Transamaznica Highway of BR 230. This work of research was based on the epistemolgico paradigm dialectic for considering that the actions human beings do not only have a citizen, but a group prioritizes the prxis human being and the description-social action giving felt a purpose interrelated with transformation of the conditions of the existence of the society human being, According to Severino (2007).