Normally, people do not construct possibilities until a crisis is not transformed into something so brutal that we do not have left another election. Something as well as what it happens with an alcoholic one when touches bottom. What the majority does not see in means of a crisis is that things cannot be only obtained reacting before the circumstances. It synthesized it to Einstein when it said: ” The world has problems that cannot be solved thinking about the form in that we thought when creamos”. Anyone of us who decide to put in practice this postulate being worth of coaching initiates the process of change and transformation to which we alluded in the beginning of this article. The implications But this transformation have implications that go much more there of the own isolated individual.
The people we interacted continuously or at familiar level, circle of friendships, labor, etc. We did not live isolate. And he is inevitable that the changes that we introduce in our life, our behavior, our habits finish influencing in those who surround to us. Of this form coaching, becomes a catalyst of the change and the transformation and the growth of the human being in the surroundings in which it develops. In summary When in your functions as commercial you must face new situations that to you some type of effort implies, algrate because you will be growing and desarrollndote. To what delays? It begins here today with Coaching to harness your process of change and profit of goals. On the authors Second Lopez Linares is coach specialized developing personnel.
Arnu Rodriguez, is coach in sales and training, with than 16 years of experience, specialized more in harnessing your resources and transforming your abilities and those of your team of salesmen to multiply your income of form fast and simple. Arnu has helped, with coaching expert in sales, to professionals and industralists in more than 13 countries of Europe, North America and Latin America. If you are preparation to let grow your business, inscrbete FREE to our bulletin that this filled with effective and practical strategies of sales.