Federal Government

Micronutrient deficiency promotes dementia and Alzheimer’s disease for optimal physical and mental performance and our body needs health daily many micronutrients from the Group of vitamins and trace elements. But is observed with increasing age increasingly that the supply of these micronutrients is no longer optimal. The national consumption study funded by the Federal Government made that clear. Just older people are endangered to be deficient vital micronutrients. As a result, The blood levels of the appropriate vitamins and trace elements fall, oxidative stress and harmful metabolic products such as the homocysteine can take the upper hand. That out also negatively affects the mental capacity and the immune status of affected people. Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and frequent infections can be the result. An early nutritional screening with micro nutrients such as MemoVitum is absolutely appropriate.

What can you do do stay in the age as long mentally fit and healthy. One of the possible measures comes from the nutrition research and ensures an optimization of the supply status with micro-nutrients. Unfortunately, it is an illusion to think that older people would eat always sufficient with fresh fruit and vegetables, to ensure or optimize their supply status with micro-nutrients. Taking supplementary of special preparations with age-appropriate micronutrient is necessarily offered in this age group, especially as a number of studies indicate that mental performance is supported by the good supply of vitamins. This is not the case the harmful homocysteine metabolite abounds.

This in turn leads to the decrease of mental performance and can accelerate even Alzheimer’s disease. In a good supply of essential vitamins, even the age-related brain shrinkage may be delayed as researchers from the prestigious University Oxford on a group of elderly people could show. Researchers study participants administered a cocktail of B vitamins and watch their brain function and mental performance in comparison to the Group of participants, who received B vitamins.