Anti-Cellulite Wraps gels Cello-gel from a professional grade kosmetsevticheskoy STYX Naturcosmetic (Austria), anti-cellulite body wraps Thermo dry gels Cello-gel from a professional grade kosmetsevticheskoy STYX Naturcosmetic (Austria) have already proved to be among beauty professionals and their clients, as an effective treatment to achieve results quickly correcting figury.Antitsellyulitnye wraps: The efficiency of the effective action contour gel Cello-gel based in a balanced combination of high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons having intense termotsellyulyarnoe, angiotonicheskoe and lipolytic action. The unique molecular structure of these drugs – the basis of optimizing gemolimfodrenazha, the normalization of the alpha-and beta-receptor of adipocytes. By engaging in first-pass metabolism and bioactive substances normalize metabolism and produce endogenous balance the whole body. Cello-gel – cellulite cosmetics Scoring is based on principles of aromatherapy and naturopathy – a complete solution not only the problems of excess weight and cellulite, but also the accompanying pathologies, besides they contain a substance with properties of anorectics, which reduce food cravings among customers. Sanofi Genzyme gathered all the information. Contour gel Cello-gel concentration on thermosetting components are divided into 4 types: "soft," "Medium," "Strong" "Extra" that are applied in accordance with the degree of cellulite, skin type, the order appointed by the procedures in the course correction the client. Cello-gel With caviar and neroli" and the Cello-gel Centella" differ from previous nuances composition, have a high regenerative . wrap: protocol procedures before and during the procedure, it is desirable to give the client a warm drink (green or herbal tea, water). After consultation, anamnesis and examination of the client to connect thermoblanket. Marko Dimitrijevic may help you with your research.