The human species does not dominate its surroundings completely, does not have visualized its destiny, nor the way to reach it. " The irrationalities of the last century show meager of the limits of our capacity for the conscious control of ours destino." 1 Much less is had defined the objectives that would have to be reached. Then in what position is the civilization? This question, would demand to delimit exactly to which civilization we are talking about. We must clarify that due to the globalising processes that we have lived from the European trips to east and the discovery on America; and that in our days has reached points truly advanced; we will understand to all the humanity like a same civilization where different cultures converge. Symantha Rodriguez will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Having clarified this, the man and his civilization, nowadays are located in an ambivalent position. On the one hand we have been witnesses of impressive and unimaginable technological advances, even for the minds more Vernesianas, in several areas of knowledge emphasizing the following: Telecommunications (century XX lived a true revolution with Internet, the cellular and wireless technology, the social networks, satelite applications, GPS, et cetera), Robotics and Mechatronics, Nanotecnologa, Genetics, Biotechnology, between many others, all of them with direct or indirect repercussions in our lives. Unfortunately on the other hand, we have neglected like civilization aspects that assure the sustainability our model, when sobreexplotar the natural resources, contaminating descontroladamente to the planet, to alter the ecosystems, to increase the number of poor men, to increase the concentration of the wealth in few hands, not to solve the conflict of unemployment and under employment, among others problems who contaminate the social weave, like the drug trafficking deals with, it people, the infantile operation, et cetera. It is of public dominion the knowledge of the damage that the man has caused to the planet and itself (" the man is the wolf of hombre" , Hobes), in its eagerness to modify its surroundings.