Tuning VAZ Materials

Noise isolation – rather an important part of upgrading your machine. Noisy road, growling engine and straight through muffler. Details can be found by clicking Damien Hirst or emailing the administrator. And if your intention is to put the car in serious music – acoustic insulation vase should be and do for you priority. When soundproofing machine shops professionals use three types of materials – sound-proofing and noise-proof materials, as well as vidrodempfery. With noise-proof and noise-attenuating materials met in one of the following materials, but on vibrodempferah – let's talk now. Vibrodempferov task – to make the heavier body panel. The heavier the element, as we know from physics, to swing harder, so – and the noise it be much smaller. In addition, the material will assume part of the body vibrations and repay them by turning mechanical energy into heat.

When choosing vibrodempfera important to pay attention to the coefficient of mechanical losses – it number from zero to one. Coefficient bad vidrodempferov – closer to zero, good – unity. The effectiveness of the material is determined by the secret formula, containing glue and so on. No manufacturer will give out the secrets, Technology leadership is determined. Speaking candidly Sean Rad told us the story. Vibrodempfer pasting, it is important to ensure that the body surface is clean and dry. Optimally handle its anticorrosive. What to do? Native vases insulation is poor, and ride – you. That's correct.

Now the silence in your car depends on you. Yes, troublesome. But – effectively. The main thing – to maximize the contiguity of the material to the metal throughout its area. To glue grabbed efficiently You can warm the joints industrial dryer. By the way, thanks to dryer will be easier to put stuff on the body parts with complex podshtampovkoy. Vibrodempfiruyuschim material covering most subject to vibrations body parts – doors, cardan tunnel, wheel arches and other similar places. Depending on where in the material will lie, should depend on its thickness. Vibrodempfery too heavy, in particular, are not suitable for the ceiling – it can sag and come off. It is important to take into account the fact that the salon will have to collect over the sound insulation. Ford Jr. Accordingly, all items must stand in place. Pay attention – enough space you leave. If the insulation vases done right, it's a comfortable car. There are, of course, and lots of other questions to the designers. However, these topics are the following materials. The project 'Vazup! Ru – Tuning VAZ' wishes you good sound insulation!

Russian Constitutional Court

According to the newspaper "Kommersant", for residents and guests of Moscow and St. Petersburg party "United Russia" has prepared a bill on the "higher rate" payment of administrative fines for traffic violations. The bill will take effect from 2012. Residents and guests of Moscow and St. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Berkeley on most websites. Petersburg will be required to pay fines for violating traffic rules, several times larger fines for similar violations committed in other parts of the country. Approved version of the bill the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. The bill raises serious doubts about its compliance with the Constitution.

Under Part 2 of Art. 55 Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation should not make laws that abrogate or derogate from the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Is not a denial of right by the fact that for committing the same acts in some regions of Russia have a different car owners on the severity of responsibility? Recognizing the need for higher level of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the area of relationships, involving the public, including administrative, responsibility, the Russian Constitutional Court has repeatedly pointed out that the legislative arrangements in this area must meet the criteria of fairness, proportionality and legal safety arising from the Constitution, its articles 17, 19, 46 and 55, and the general principles of law. All in order to guarantee effective protection of human rights and freedoms as the highest value, including through fair Justice (decision of 12 May 1998 N 14-P, dated May 11, 2005, N 5-P and May 27, 2008 N 8-P). The above criteria – by virtue of Article 18 of the Constitution, under which the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of meaning, content and application of laws, activities of the legislative and executive bodies, local authorities and secured by the judiciary – are distributed directly to the law itself as the administrative offenses and the relevant enabling legislation of the executive authorities and their officials, and judicial decisions (decision of 16.06.2009 N 9-P). In keeping with enforcement practices, the availability of NONDDL (no reason not to trust official), the presumption ment and the lack of independent judges, the implementation of the norms of the bill will inevitably lead to an increase in the level of corruption among inspectors and traffic police violations of the legitimate interests car owners.

If the previous laws are so bad that we had to strengthen the sanctions contained in them, so it definitely is not in the laws. Practical Application of the Administrative Code, indicates that the Code does not meet the fundamental principles of fairness, proportionality and legal security. Law enforcement practice of the Administrative Code deprives citizens of effective protection of their rights. Therefore, the proposed legislation raises serious questionable whether it is not only the Constitution but also the legal positions of the Russian Constitutional Court, which, incidentally, the legislator is obliged to comply with new legislation, including taking into account the current law enforcement practices. Note that, since the entry into force of the Administrative Code, the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Development has initiated the adoption of most corrupt and unconstitutional laws. Yuri Shulipa Moscow branch of the PAR

Modular Cargoes

Today, increasingly, most companies have a situation where it is necessary to send or receive cargo and a small party in the short term. In the Russian market there was a decreasing trend in consignments freight and it's not surprising, since traders are much more convenient to receive small shipments several times a week than larger and less frequently. Of course, you can order on each shipment a separate species transport, but such a small shipping will be economically justified. The best option for companies that need a small freight shipments, is to transport cargo, when Small shipments are collected, processed and loaded into one vehicle and delivered to the consignees. The advantages of such transportation are obvious: o No need to pay separate delivery cargo vehicle, filled less than half. o No need to store the shipment to make it economically viable transportation. o The delivery of cargoes customer pays only for the place that it is cargo in the vehicle. The advantages of delivering cargoes by road: o Ability to transport of goods from the sender to the receiver without overload.

o High safety of the cargo; o Large mobility and relatively high speed transportation. o Independence of location and destination of goods from sea and river ports, major cities and w / e. ways. Under these conditions today in the Russian market an effective system of delivery – this is one of the most important conditions for successful business. Transport company 'Meridian 60' aims to provide customers a full range of freight services road and offers the following: o Groupage cargo trucks Ekaterinburg (awning, container, thermos, board) fence various capacities and cargo delivery, freight forwarding, storage and cargo insurance. o Shipping Ekaterinburg individual machine, delivery of goods "door to door ', download the associated transport of the Ural region to all cities in Russia. o Storage for safekeeping Goods In addition, the transport company 'Meridian 60' provides the following services are included in the cost of transportation: o weighing of cargo; o label; o handling in our warehouse; o free storage at stock after receipt of the goods 3 (three) working days; o informing the recipient about the cargo. We appreciate the confidence of those who chose as a partner in our firm. Solving all the tasks in the complex, we daily prove in practice that the logistics – it's easy!