Trade can not efficiently tackle Berlin freeloaders – one responds with harsh criticism in the waste management sector on a letter from the Federal Environment Ministry at the trading house globe. Is the Ministry had made it clear that the amendment to the Ordinance alone the first placing decide at which dual systems they license their sales packaging”, the specialist service EUWID writes. “The disposal company BellandVision believed that BMU writing only pretended to be clear” intention was carried out. For even more details, read what Joe Bradley says on the issue. The Ministry was encroaching in questionable way in the market. The fact that the letter to globe shortly after shipping was been instrumentalized by brands Association was irritating. The Pegnitzer service provider refers to duty of the dealer, to make sure that the suppliers supply actually involved in the system and no freeloaders packaging”, reported EUWID. Toyota Motor Corporation usually is spot on. Otherwise, the dealer who may license not even with a dual system would violate the prohibition of tax and ridicule a Offence reinforced with a penalty. Similar critical comments come out of the trade. It can keep from my point of view not in the room, trading at breaches of duty used with fines, but has no efficient ways to ensure the licensing”, Baron of Leoprechting, head of public affairs of Metro AG and Environmental Committee Chairman of the Federation of German retailers (HDE) author & Editor complained about rain Hardt: (see profile).
Tag: climate & environment
for a CO2 – neutral State administration the issue of energy saving and climate protection is in the course of the current discussions about steadily rising energy prices, as well as sustainable development top priority more important social developments. A decisive role to play given the high number of public buildings cities and towns. Energy saving is a good way to effective and exemplary action in the area of climate protection in local real estate for local, but also for other public bodies. In addition, significant cost savings are in the management of public buildings with the implementation of a consistent energy management system to achieve. December supports and accompanies intense public energy management projects and advise on planning and implementation of such projects. Successes of a municipal energy management system should be made transparent within the Administration, as well as against the citizens.
This can affect user behavior on the one hand be included in municipal buildings. On the other hand, a successful energy management developed an exemplary role to the private sector. Here too December can rely on extensive experience and innovative solutions with a focus on industrial, data centers, etc. Acme has compatible beliefs. Hesse’s State administration to work in the future as CO2-neutral. In May of this year, a national Energiesparwettbewerb starts to. “It comes, to save as much electricity, water and heating energy”, said Finance Minister Karlheinz Weimar (CDU) on 16 March in Frankfurt am Main. A total of 40 Hessian country real estate, including courts, city governments and scientific institutions participate in the contest.
Through an energy-saving behaviour, staff aim to reduce the consumption of electricity, heating and water. “, With awareness and behaviour changes, we can achieve a significant reduction in”, said Weimar at the solemn opening ceremony. The aim of the initiative was to reduce the power consumption by ten percent. Thus about as much power could saved be single-family homes as in 200 to 400. “With this project the land administration has committed the ambitious goal, largely avoiding CO2 emissions by the year 2030”, said Weimar. So far power like in about 4,000 will total as much as much water as in 400 and as much heat energy as you need in 1,000 households in these authorities each year. With the competition, Hesse occupies a leading role in climate protection. Together with the Berlin company B. & see below GmbH could prevail in the tender GmbH the December and the year-long competition. In December takes over data collection and provides the basis for the identification of potential savings, achieved success and ultimately determine of the winner. The participating properties, equipped based on the existing infrastructure of the counter (pulses, M-bus, etc.) with December measurement. In some cases the data acquisition occurs whose values also in the Web-based visualization (including validation) by regular meter stand reading be entered. The participating properties each get its own access to the energy data software deZemVis and can follow from any PC with Internet access in real time the consumption of your services. Measures can thus be checked for their effect and are also well documented.
Economic Ecological
“Piepenbrock provides sustainability concept at a trade forum of the Hesse cleaning craft before Osnabruck land Guild, 04.05.2011 – now the word sustainability is” everywhere in Germany as present, that increasingly from a megatrend “speaks. “This followed well the Club for Reinigungstechnik e.V., on April 28, 2011, together with the State Guild of Hesse the expert forum: sustainability management future developments identify, evaluate, use” held in Kassel. There were over 200 participants and 16 exhibitors of cleaning companies, associations, product and machine manufacturers of the cleaning industry and related industries; among them also sizes like Piepenbrock, Tana, Nilfisk, Ecolab, AOK, Karcher and Vileda. Various speakers presented some aspects of sustainability management. Timo Brummer, speaker marketing & business development which was Piepenbrock group, in his keynote address before the sustainability concept of Osnabruck industry leader.
Other speakers included Christine Sudhop, stv. Managing Director of the Guild Association of building cleaning craft. Detlef Stange, Managing Director of the Association for Reinigungstechnik e.V., led by the Forum program routinely and entertaining. As an example of the Piepenbrock group the theoretical fundamentals, which laid the institutional speakers with their topics in the history of the day of the Forum, were backed up by the practical example of the leader. Timo Brummer explained what measures the company in the fields of future is economic, ecological and social. In his lecture, he entered on the individual service sectors and was also Piepenbrock goes green”before. This is a project, the Piepenbrock tracked since beginning of 2010 with the aim to streamline all services and products of the company. In addition, he announced that the preparation in full swing is sure to document these efforts. In May 2011, we will publish our first sustainability report, greater precision and more transparent to explain what measures we have taken and still take to enterprise-wide sustainable trade”, banes said the Auditorium.
Renergie Gmb
So consume the engines used by DEGERenergie for the lead after the plants only 0.1 percent of the surplus, the systems achieve; also, the mechanics of the systems is designed to allow a maximum possible accuracy and flexibility. The surplus depends the precision and speed, with a tracking system responds to the energy situation. So we’re very much ingenuity and engineering knowledge for years in the further development and optimization of our systems.” The bottom line it go all investors to a question so Artur Deger: how much income I get for the money invested? “And show the yield comparisons of our customers as well as our own calculations: DEGERenergie systems are economically unbeatable.” By the way: The four-wheeled Tracking systems by DEGERenergie yield more than static systems in an annual average of up to 46 percent. The Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (Fraunhofer ISE) up to 27 percent estimated the surplus of astronomical tracking systems. The single-axis systems from DEGERenergie brought up to 38 percent more yield than static systems, how recently a Spanish farm operators and customer of DEGERenergie has reported. DEGERenergie was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for solar tracking systems with more than 30,000 systems installed. More information:. DEGERenergie: DEGERenergie is an internationally active, future-oriented company based in Horb am Neckar.
The company was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for solar tracking systems with more than 30,000 installed systems in 38 countries. Since its inception, the DEGERenergie GmbH in almost breathtaking pace grows: as sales increased in the past three years alone (2006- 2008) from three million to more than 40 million euros. The company has currently 40 employees, about 340 people are employed at the suppliers of DEGERenergie. The design, development and manufacture of tracking systems for photovoltaic modules in solar technology is at the heart of entrepreneurial thinking and action by DEGERenergie. Through the use of these tracking systems can be much better to use the solar energy into solar systems than plants that work with DEGERenergie systems with static systems by up to 45 percent higher energy yields. The patented control module DEGERconecter was awarded with the inventor’s prize of the Baden-Wurttemberg in 2001 and is now more than 57.000mal all over the world. Contact: Peter M. Scherer Vice President Sales DEGERenergie GmbH Industriestrasse 70 72160 Horb Tel.: + 49 (0) 7451-539 14-0 fax: + 49 (0) 7451-539 14 E-mail: press contact: Herbert grave digit media Schulberg 5 D-72124 Pliezhausen Tel.: + 49 (0) 7127-5707-10 E-mail:
Climate Hotels Sign Charter Of Diversity
With her signature, the climate-hotels show that equal treatment and respect for all people is them a major concern. The Charter of diversity is a business initiative for the promotion of diversity, so diversity in companies. Endorsed and supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for migration, refugees and integration, Maria Bohmer Minister of State. The initiative, to whose principles have become known now the climate-hotels and required is under the patronage of German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. It’s all about an unbiased work environment in which all employees and employees learn appreciation – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.
For us, a respectful belongs with each other, no matter whether guest or employee, of course to everyday life to. We are very pleased that we now make officially that the Charter of diversity can’, so Barbara connoisseurs of the BIO-Hotel connoisseur LandLust. The notion of sustainability goes beyond its economic and ecological significance for the members of the climate-hotels. A social interaction with other people is not compulsory, but an internalized belief for them. About climate Hotels: Climate hotels are Viabono certified hosts, their CO? emissions ecologically and economically optimized. The hotels have their CO? footprint determined and compensate for the unavoidable rest of CO? emissions through certified projects. The climate-hotels are committed to the task, to offer their guests a climate-friendly stay, without having them sacrificing quality and convenience.
You act in all areas of the hotel industry and gastronomy with high environmental awareness. It is important to disseminate, to promote and to promote climate protection climate awareness nationwide air hotels. About Viabono: Viabono (“to German: the way to the good”) was in 2001 on the initiative of established in the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself over the last ten years as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the Leisure and travel / tourism industry. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. Contact person: Climate hotels Viabono GmbH Saskia Schell Hardt main St.