Diamond cutting openings – work for a professional. Today, the market for construction services for the execution of works on construction of the opening is ready to take any 'team' of workers, using shock-destructive techniques (pneumatic Hammers 'grinders' sledgehammer). In applying this technique concrete loses its properties, the connection is broken between the reinforcement and concrete, cracks are formed, which leads to a decrease in the overall persistence of the building. Sophisticated low-cost customer has no idea what could become hostage to a dangerous situation: cutting openings by unqualified 'experts' can lead to tragic consequences. Flagrant violation of technology production work and a deviation from the design decisions can lead to the collapse of individual structural elements of the building. Diamond cutting openings using special equipment and high-quality diamond tools – security the safety of your home! Cutting Cutting opening of the opening can be performed the following equipment: * Hand-held cutters * Wall saws cutters – is a professional hand tools, working with which requires special skills. Cutting depth of carvers is 10-15 cm, so the cutting of openings can be made in the walls of a thickness of 30 cm, cut from two sides.
Powered cutters carried ac current of 220 V or 380 V (hydraulic cutters). Wall saw machine – a complex and technical installation, high performance, allowing to carry out deep cuts to 70 cm cutting openings can be made in the walls, thicker than 1 meter. Diamond cutting openings with wall saws is limited in a residential area, due to the need for running water (flow okolo10 liters per minute) to cool the diamond disk and leaching of waste sludge from the cutting area. In any case, the cutting of the opening requires a number of measures for waterproofing floors and joints, to avoid leaks to the ground floor. Cutting openings – the technology before cutting the opening you must install the unloading rack-jacks for the transfer of bearing loads.
Should be carried out strictly in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the project documentation. In panel houses, where the thickness of the walls is 14-18 cm, cutting opening entirely possible, based on three cuts (cutting along the contour of the opening). In monolithic buildings walls thicker (20-22 cm) and cutting openings carried out in two parts. Next, cut a part of the opening is lowered and cut into pieces of lifting or broken. In the residential application of sliding door stop technique is limited in such cases, initially cutting the opening made in installments of 50 kg. This method is almost unique. Sometimes, to reduce cost, an opening cut into six or nine parts, weighing about 100 kg. When cutting the opening in the brick and cast-in walls thicker than 60-100 cm, applied diamond drilling concrete in the thicker walls are used Cutting diamond wire Gaps made by other methods, can not be increased because of inability to consolidate the metal in the doorway.