Non-Formal Education

Through non-formal citizenship is the goal, and it is thought in collective terms, is given by social practice. The non-formal education is characterized by not having to import predefined develop a curriculum that is mainly based on whims, needs and interests of those groups are involved in actions and practices of the educational field. The proposals of non-formal central aim to enrich the life of individuals, expanding the range of experiences and learning experiences of children, youth, adults and seniors. It highlights the meeting of generations, the mix of ages, often not mandatory and the occurrence of actions and experiences in space and time more flexible, not restricted or regulated by authorities. It designates a process with various dimensions, which correspond abrangencia the areas of which are: to) political learning for the rights of individuals as citizens; b) training of individuals to work through the learning of skills I / development potential; c) the learning and practice exercises that enable individuals to organize themselves with community goals, returns to collective problem solving everyday d ) learning the content of formal schooling, school, in different forms and spaces; e) developed in education and the mass media, especially electronic. What distinguishes non-formal education and informal is that the first has the intention of data subject to create or collect certain qualities I / objectives, is defined by an absence, in comparison to what is in school (something that would be non-intentional, non-planning, non-structured), on single paradigm to formal education. Informal education takes spontaneous or natural process, albeit laden with values and performances, such as family education, for example, transmitted by education parents in the family, living with friends, clubs, theaters, reading newspapers, books, etc. around.

By the end fields of teaching non-formal education are divided into: for literacy or transmit knowledge that historically has been systematized by men and women, to the clienteles planned subject of educational activities, with a distinctive structure and organization school organizations, comprising the area that convention called popular education and education for youth and adults, and includes education generated in the process of social participation in collective action for learning turns no content of formal education. Quote Maria de la Gloria Gohn, Until the 80s, non-formal education was a minor field, both in public policy as among educators At times, some lights were thrown on the non-formal education, but she was seen as an extension of formal education, developed ore outdoors school units. (P. 91) Before this education was seen as a union of procurement processes outlined individual participation in areas of rural extension, community animation, vocational or technical training, basic education, family planning etc. In the 90s, non-formal education achieved change in the economy, society and the workforce, switching to stimulate learning processes in groups and given huge prominence to the cultural values that link the actions of individuals. They talked about innovation in organizational culture, in general, learning requires extra-curricular skills. Have collaborated to international agencies and organizations like the UN and UNESCO, as well as some scholars. In Latin America, non-formal education in recent years been characterized by round work proposals for the poorest layer of the population, promoted by the public sector or idealized by different segments of civil society, often in partnerships with the private sector, from NGOs to religious groups and institutions that maintain partnerships with businesses. Disclosure is also being explored by the action of non-formal education, concern and actions on the issues that involve ecology and environmental problems.