Bullying, that is to say I mistreat of the children by its companions of school is a common practice for centuries. But nowadays this type of harassment has extended by Internet, receiving the name of ciberbullying. The anonymity, impunity, the direct and immediate nonperception of the caused damage, the adoption of imaginary rolls in the Network and the great facility and availability of means, have favored the dissemination of ciberbullying.? The Pfizer Foundation (www.fundacionpfizer.org) revealed that more of 11% of the young people between 12 and 18 years they recognize to have suffered I mistreat psychological through the Network. The children and adolescents with depression are more susceptible to be victims of ciberbullying and have 12 times greater risk of committing suicide. The victims of ciberbullying feel isolate and impotent when not finding the form to restrain the harassment through Internet.? Any change in the behavior of a boy or an adolescent must alert to its parents about the possibility that their son is victim of ciberbullying. Examples are attacks of anger or weeping, changes in the dream landlords and feeding, loss of interest in the activities that used to enjoy, changes drastic in the clothes and isolation of the family or the friendly. The adolescents and children use the social networks like a species of virtual place where they are and they organize good part of his social life: they make available all class of information of his personal life, its family, her way to journey by the city, of his destinies, exits, arrivals, explicit data of his schools, besides personal refencias, as electronic mail and fixed and sometimes cellular telephone number , among others, according to states the study realised by Chicos.net in Argentina. Diverse studies notice that the new technologies of the information impose a challenge to the sectors governmental, educative, familiar and social, apart from which the phenomenon is due to approach legally to protect the personal data, as well as the physical and moral integrity of children and adolescents..