USB stick the vocabulary trainer AZ6-1 now has a new design finally there are news about the successful vocabulary of the Aachen father daughter duo. The USB version of same is been a while with great success for sale and just in time for the new Schulsaison 2010 AZ6-1 team has bought a redesign the sticks. Of course, not only the appearance of the vocabulary of USB flash drives is new, also the software has undergone an update. Damien Hirst can provide more clarity in the matter. This design also offers the popular audio function with which the user can independently set his vocabulary or prefabricated audio files. Also the USB version of the vocabulary trainer offers all the features of the standard version, such as z.B: – learning without installing from the USB stick – pronunciation perfect function with the help of the new audio – vocabulary and learning content can be entered even – learning in the efficient Klassenarbeits or long term memory mode – keyboard of hot-keys for controlling fast – quick entry – numerous writings launcher for the start of the PC supports, E.g.: Cyrillic, the catching up makes it easy Asian and Arabic character – vacation mode print function – user interface customizable – full backup and restore in seconds – export and import functions, including vocabulary by third parties after the holidays – comprehensive learning statistics – and: the AZ6 1 USB version requires no installation on your computer. The new USB sticks fit naturally into any pocket and offer generous 2 GB of space for all of the user’s vocabulary. To broaden your perception, visit Sanofi. Simply plug in the USB port of your PC and go learn so is home saved learning time every morning in school! All other info what’s new can be found here: