Corporate Blogging

What is corporate blogging? The word 'blog' is short for Web log (English Blog – 'Web log') means the Internet site where users may leave comments and communicate with text messaging laid-back, informal format. Nonetheless, many are already going on, and use blogs as a channel for marketing campaigns. Corporate blog is just the realization of such a channel – the channel communication and dissemination of marketing information, which allows its owner to communicate with the noisy, restless, global interlocutor – the blogosphere. Creation of corporate blogs often occurs with permission or even the filing of company management and their content deal with the employees themselves, as an option, a formal management department deals with corporate relations. Blog-what? Blogosphere. This is a huge, ever- loud crying space, which is the universe of blogs. This is a 'virtual realm' – so at the time dubbed it the journalists.

Very often, this is called a collective conversation. The easiest way to imagine the community, which information, links, opinions, music files, photos and other data are in a continuous rotation between the users where ever offer help or ask for it, where 'the whole country' sounded disagreement and attacks, which houses a huge number of comments. Read additional details here: Sonny Perdue. Why blogging is attracting so much attention? One reason may be called fulminant dissemination of information. But mostly, the matter is that three circumstances: the scale, speed and power of influence. SCOPE. The explosive growth of blogs in the network is amazing. In November 2002, with the launch of the statistical service Technorati, the total number of blogs will not exceed 13 000.