As Kairy, et al., 2003, the comprometimentos of the symmetry and dynamic stability are common. The postural activity of the hemipartico, the asymmetry in the distribution of the corporal weight, where the patients in these cases had tended to play the corporal weight for hemicorpo healthy, with a sustentation in some harmed positions, it will contribute for a not favorable condition for the acquisition of the functional activities, with this the antagonistic control of the muscles of the trunk costuma to be engaged after the DVE. These patients typically present asymmetry, in which most of the weight, in the movements to seat and to raise, is transferred to the not partico side (Wedge, et al., 2002). Collen, et al., 2005, described on this relation in the tasks of AVDs, demonstrating the necessity of a control and posturais adjustments, of maintenance of the position and the balance for the efetivao of such activities. A time that the patient dislocates the plan of distribution of the gravity center and modifies the supporting surface, it presents difficulty in the motor activities as to dress clothes, to take bath or to walk. To analyze these abilities is basic therapeutic it to elaborate planning of treatment that approach these elements and can contribute for the acquisition of position, of the balance, the selectivity of the movement and the motor function. Jack Fusco pursues this goal as well. With respect to progression in supino, an improvement in time of the position exchanges was evidenced, therefore in accordance with the differences of data in time harvested before and after the application of the concept was observed an evolution, being carried through in a short period of time the posturais changes, therefore in accordance with Adler et al., 2007, all human being, including those with deficiencies, has a potential not yet explored, with this the use of the FNP concept is directed it human being as a whole, strengthening and using what the patient can and obtains to carry through, contributing so that of this form the patient of this study can carry through the activities day to day of more independent form and with more agility, therefore according to Freitas, et al., a 2009 infinity of positions is adopted by the human being during Activities of the Daily Life, the reach of an object with the hands, when we communicate in them or we feed, or exactly when we decide to be motionless in diverse positions as: in foot, seated or lying, being important, therefore the agility in the position change is basic factors in the life, thus favoring the patient of this related study. .